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  1. Darren Crovitz

    Remix #4 (Video) Frank vs the Tranq

    For the final remix project, I did a spin on “Return to the Silent Era”. I didn’t really create a trailer for the film–more like re-visioned a scene. First, here’s the original scene from the comedy Old School (2003). The context: man-child Frank (Will Ferrell) is attending a kid’s birthday party, where he finds a tranquilizer […]
  2. Darren Crovitz

    Tutorial for One-Man Play (Son, How’s Your Day?)

    My attempt at a one-man play was a pretty entertaining and generally pain-free task. 1. After some brainstorming, I settled on a scene from The Breakfast Club–I really wanted to do something from popular film. (When I do this assignment again, it’s going to be this scene from A Few Good Men…). 2. I found the script […]
  3. Darren Crovitz

    Remix #1 (Visual): Twilight Gothic, Tutorial

    Here’s how I went about this remix. Starting in Pixlr’s advanced option, which looks similar to Gimp or Photoshop, I first uploaded three images (Bella, Edward, and the painting). I used the Wand tool to cut around the heads of the figures in the painting, deleting them and creating an empty space. In retrospect I […]
  4. Darren Crovitz

    Remix #1 (Visual): Twilight Gothic

    Here’s my visual remix. I chose the Adapt an Artist’s Work option, going with Grant Wood’s painting American Gothic. Some notes: 1. It must be said upfront that I’m not a Twilight fan. But in thinking about possibly remixing this famous painting, this was the couple that sprang to mind. I did a quick Google […]

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