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  1. Denise Hinson

    Strange Journey

    It’s Spring Break here, and I am finally taking some time to play with programs I have used only minimally, such as Audacity. I drafted this little ditty to use as the soundtrack of a later story. It still has some rough spots, but I will fine-tu...
  2. Denise Hinson

    Going Home

    Let’s recap—it’s pushing the end of March. Midterms are behind me, Spring Break is before me, I have two novels wanting to be read, twenty essays waiting to be reviewed, a car that needs serious vacuuming, and a house to pack. It’s that last on...
  3. Denise Hinson

    Found Poems and Visual Elements

    I have returned from four days in Philadelphia at Pendle Hill attending a writing workshop called “A Room of Our Own Making.” I’m still processing, but I will say it was exactly what I needed to make a major decision about my life. That kind of weekend doesn’t come along very often. I’ll likely return ...
  4. Denise Hinson

    Found Poems

    My Engl 250 class, Teaching Writing, has been working on Found Poems. Today we finished our first drafts. Here’s a photo of mine: …and here’s what it says: Do you remember Your first kiss? Everyone said it was foolish The hue and cries of “Forget a summer-only love” It was serendipity the day the spell ...
  5. Denise Hinson

    What will you do with it?

    I have spent the last week turning over in my mind a short story I heard recently. I was at the Teachers’ Collaborative Network, a workshop offered by the Bisti Writing Project that takes place twice per semester. The presenter was a young educator n...
  6. Denise Hinson

    Teacher as Writer as Teacher as…

    Describe myself as a writer. Who thought up that assignment? Wouldn’t it be more interesting to describe myself as, oh, I don’t know—a circus performer? A lion tamer, perhaps? How about my former life as an Egyptian princess? Anyone? Anyone? I am a writer. I’ve always been a writer, a storyteller. As a child I ...
  7. Denise Hinson

    It comes together

    Ok, so I have finished week two’s treasure hunt. I had actually done all of it just playing around except for the Google Analytics. That one took me two days of yelling at the screen until I finally realized that the info appears in GOOGLE, not the website. Funny, it all comes together, no matter ...
  8. Denise Hinson

    A New Beginning

    So, after three days of bombarding Jim with frantic emails, I believe I have it. At the very least I have bought a small piece of cyber realestate, so it’s not just a digital facelift of the old digital me. I watched the video with Gardner Campbe...
  9. Denise Hinson


    So, for our first assignment, we are suppose to write a thirty-second story about...something. Thirty seconds to tell a story??? It took me over two hours to pick a freakin' domain name, and after all that I went with-- wait for it-- my name. Doma...

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