Final Exam #3
The Internet is a great tool to share information with people around the world. These days, people share a lot of things such as their music, art works and so on. Some people show their skills of cooking, make-up, exercise and a lot of other things, and you can learn those from their tutoring videos. A lot of people have become famous from YouTube and some other video sharing website. On the other hand, some people have had very bad incidents because of their videos even though they had not done anything wrong. Sharing your abilities and skills on the Internet could give you a great opportunity, yet also it could cause bad situation.
There are many people who have had succeeded to build career on YouTube. An American girl, Michelle Phan is one of the successful people on YouTube. She's an art student who has strong passion to make-up. She's been uploaded many make-up tutoring videos on YouTube. Since she has great ability, and a lot of people love her and subscribe her videos( Right now 1,688,664 people are subscribing her videos), a very popular cosmetic brand, LANCOM Paris offered her to collaborate. She also sells her own skin care cosmetics at iQQU She did a great job for this project. Isn't it a great success?
There is another one who seems successful on YouTube. Her YouTube name is Binosusume(美のすすめ), the way of beauty. She does not talk about herself, she doesn't even show her face. She has a lot of hair-make up tutorial videos on her channel. Even though she speaks in only Japanese, a lot of non-Japanese people watch her videos too because so many people comment on her video in English.
Now, 138858 people are subscribing her channel.
Not only positive side but also there is negative side of the Internet. Rebecca Black's case is one of the big problems on the Internet. She was a normal girl who wants to be a singer, so she made a promotion video for her own song. It's posted on YouTube, then it became very famous in negative way. She have got a lot of negative comments on her song, Friday. Since it was very shocking, it became a big issue and ABC news companies interviewed her. In the interview, she says she was shocked by those negative comments and crying. She became famous, but it's not the way she wanted. Right now she seems to start having positive opinion about what happened to her because that thing made her famous around the world. Yet still it was not something good or positive.
Because I am Japanese, I guess I should also add something negative about on the Internet in Japan.
There were some stupid college students who had a project as ドブスを守る会, "act for protecting very urgly girls". But they did not want to protect ugly girls, they just wanted to make funny video and magazines with those girls' picture. This was a kind of big news at the time. I am so sorry I could not find proper news article or English website which describes this situation, but I have a source here. Those college students took some video of girls who are not good looking. They uploaded the video on YouTube (it's gone now) without permission of those girls . Also this news article says they wanted to take funny video with people who have disabilities on their bodies.They did not even hide the girls' faces! I found some videos that related to this thing. Because the person who uploaded this video wanted to protect the girls' the right to their portraits, it's covered with mosaic. After some people watched this video, they got angry and called their college, and the students got kicked out from their school, 首都大学. It was happened because of their lack of moral.
ドブスを守る会 動画 【肖像権配慮バージョン()】 投稿者 Usawada
While one girl becomes famous in positive way, one girl becomes famous in very negative way. The Internet could help you to success, but it also could cause you trouble. Before you post something on YouTube, you have to think of not only success but also the risk. When you post something on the Internet, you have to be aware that your post could cause something very shocking. Also you have to think of what is commenting could hurt someone badly. Posting something is easy, but you have to think of responsibility for it. Internet is no longer just a tool to share something positive. There are always many people who would do something negative. However, still the Internet gives you opportunity to show your skills and abilities. There are positive and negative side of the Internet, and you have to understand it if you want to use it.
There are many people who have had succeeded to build career on YouTube. An American girl, Michelle Phan is one of the successful people on YouTube. She's an art student who has strong passion to make-up. She's been uploaded many make-up tutoring videos on YouTube. Since she has great ability, and a lot of people love her and subscribe her videos( Right now 1,688,664 people are subscribing her videos), a very popular cosmetic brand, LANCOM Paris offered her to collaborate. She also sells her own skin care cosmetics at iQQU She did a great job for this project. Isn't it a great success?
There is another one who seems successful on YouTube. Her YouTube name is Binosusume(美のすすめ), the way of beauty. She does not talk about herself, she doesn't even show her face. She has a lot of hair-make up tutorial videos on her channel. Even though she speaks in only Japanese, a lot of non-Japanese people watch her videos too because so many people comment on her video in English.
Now, 138858 people are subscribing her channel.
Not only positive side but also there is negative side of the Internet. Rebecca Black's case is one of the big problems on the Internet. She was a normal girl who wants to be a singer, so she made a promotion video for her own song. It's posted on YouTube, then it became very famous in negative way. She have got a lot of negative comments on her song, Friday. Since it was very shocking, it became a big issue and ABC news companies interviewed her. In the interview, she says she was shocked by those negative comments and crying. She became famous, but it's not the way she wanted. Right now she seems to start having positive opinion about what happened to her because that thing made her famous around the world. Yet still it was not something good or positive.
Because I am Japanese, I guess I should also add something negative about on the Internet in Japan.
There were some stupid college students who had a project as ドブスを守る会, "act for protecting very urgly girls". But they did not want to protect ugly girls, they just wanted to make funny video and magazines with those girls' picture. This was a kind of big news at the time. I am so sorry I could not find proper news article or English website which describes this situation, but I have a source here. Those college students took some video of girls who are not good looking. They uploaded the video on YouTube (it's gone now) without permission of those girls . Also this news article says they wanted to take funny video with people who have disabilities on their bodies.They did not even hide the girls' faces! I found some videos that related to this thing. Because the person who uploaded this video wanted to protect the girls' the right to their portraits, it's covered with mosaic. After some people watched this video, they got angry and called their college, and the students got kicked out from their school, 首都大学. It was happened because of their lack of moral.
ドブスを守る会 動画 【肖像権配慮バージョン()】 投稿者 Usawada
While one girl becomes famous in positive way, one girl becomes famous in very negative way. The Internet could help you to success, but it also could cause you trouble. Before you post something on YouTube, you have to think of not only success but also the risk. When you post something on the Internet, you have to be aware that your post could cause something very shocking. Also you have to think of what is commenting could hurt someone badly. Posting something is easy, but you have to think of responsibility for it. Internet is no longer just a tool to share something positive. There are always many people who would do something negative. However, still the Internet gives you opportunity to show your skills and abilities. There are positive and negative side of the Internet, and you have to understand it if you want to use it.