Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
Here I did a reflection after reading and re-editing and adding to my already existing posts. This was my final blog-post for my class, and it was a close one! I really enjoyed the class and my recording is a … Continue reading →
I did a reading of Phenomenal woman for my DS106 Audio category. This was a stressful assignment, mostly because I kept messing up and having to re-record. Not to mention how terrible I think my own voice sounds, all nasally … Continue reading →
This blog-post is a response to “The Visible College: Four Futures” The video can be found Here I think that this lecture is spoken on the same gust of wind as Gardener Campbell’s article. In many ways both men are hopeful … Continue reading →
Being a University student in a digital age. It is a hard topic to tackle, mostly because I have known nothing different. I even remember in the third grade when the teacher was explaining that when you open a program … Continue reading →
“New modes of comunication change what can be imagined and expressed…Enviroments are not passive wrappings but active processes” This quote was a significantly powerful statement for me. It shows that people are the limit to ourselves, if it can be … Continue reading →
For my presentation I decided to research and report on fear and loathing in China. What I discovered was not only repression in the available information, but also in the law that dictates how the persons who violate the rules … Continue reading →
When I started this class, I was very worried. For one I had never started my own blog, nor had I read them regularly. Suer I jumped the wagon on Myspace and Facebook, and still linger, but just because I … Continue reading →
Sitting and listening to a presentation, while asking witty and argumentative questions comes like breathing for me, but giving a presentation was quite another story. While in theory the presentation was quite simple, the matters of the mind often get in … Continue reading →
Ill-Timed Travel Tracy had never wondered what her friend was like in youth, she was exactly the same just in a different time and place. The sharp pungent scent of chlorine and echoed laughter of children set the stage. Normally … Continue reading →
My thoughts on a Cyber Bullys~ When thinking about a Cyber Bully I imagine someone who is just nasty to others on a chat. Cyber-staking and sexual predators on the internet is really what I think we should be watching … Continue reading →
Ok so mid-mogolian artist awe, I found this guy David Hale So I found three of his images to put in as banners too, I will put the full images here as well. You can read his BIO on that ^ … Continue reading →
So for those of you who noticed I recently found this artist online that I thought was absolutely breath-taking! I fought with myself over what picture, and how I should crop it so that I may use it for my … Continue reading →
Our class was assigned the project of making a presentation on Prezi<check the link to see our project! I was one of the few people who prefereed Prezi to Powerpoint. I think it is because I have little to no … Continue reading →
As we are learning and listening to more about the publicatinos on the internet, the more I am realizing what a big mess it is. Twitter is dominated by idots with feelings to express but nothing of value to … Continue reading →
Inspired by Stephanie H’s project From presumably las semester’s batch of students. The assignment is to write my Will. I actually, do not and cannot yet accept death. Even though I was a child surrounded by pets, and plants, whenever … Continue reading →
So for this weeks DS106 assignment I shall write a piece of prose biased on the Three Word Wednesday I went to this Website and got the words that I will use: Angelic adjective: Of or relating to angels. Foster; verb: Encourage or … Continue reading →
Here is my lovely roommate Bambi, drawing on my temporary tattoo of a taxi, for my other project. I snapped a picture of her hand drawing the taxi for the Daily Create. She is a relatively new friend, only since … Continue reading →
So some of you may know, but I was run over by a Taxi cab last Thursday. Resulting in my absence from class, among other paramedic filled adventures. I was looking over the Daily Creates and I saw some scars … Continue reading →
So to start off, I had no clue what Social Gaming was. Actually this was very important because as I looked at our infografic things were not getting clearer. The stats were clear and colorful, but I am highly skeptical about … Continue reading →
For my Daily Create today I am doing the Unconventional Food. This may feel fairly conventional but let me direct your attention the very official scene behind the delicious looking clam-chowder. This was at a food-tasting at a very fancy … Continue reading →
So I was going to skip this one, but after seeing some of the incredible projects from our class I decided to give it a try. This photo was taken last spring, in the hopes of spurring on this spring. This … Continue reading →
This is my DS016 triple Troll Story and Process: This is a picture from San Fransisco and it worked great for my project because this man is stuck in a chaotic wire-infested room with no reason or rhyme that I can see. … Continue reading →
My favorite loud person, for the Daily Create: She is a four year old with a sassy side~ She may not be loud in volume but her ideas are loud. That is why she is my daily create! This photo … Continue reading →
Here is my first Daily create. I took a picture of my feet! Actually this is a picture from a year ago exactly! But I still have the same slippers Photo taken by my old roommate in Kuramae Oak-share house. Setsubun, … Continue reading →
My next assignment was inspired by R. Kelly Can Fly? I really liked the idea and often spend my time reading funny articles about bizarre crimes. like you do. I was looking and I found a less funny more sad story: This … Continue reading →
Look Look, my first image manipulation! As you can see Starbucks coffee (some frozen blended number) with some wild but not totally unbelievable colors. I used photoshop for the first time in about, oh six years, and it is not … Continue reading →
Clearly a fashion role-modle for future generations of the fashion disinterested When deciding who of the pioneers to choose to research more (rather than reading a little until I found someone I was interest in) I decided … Continue reading →
Dust, leaves, cracked leather, slow time down. The aggressive ripping of a seasoned stight-six. The stuttering of the motor echoing your own heartbeat. A healthily smooth sound, ready to go. This car makes me sad. I remember the white flowers, … Continue reading →
Welcome to my blog. I hope you find it entertaining and stimulating, but not necessarily in that order. I suppose this will catalogue some of my day-to day activities and thoughts as I see fit. Thank you for those … Continue reading →