Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Routine Creativity

    Daily Create Summary for the Week of January 28 – February 3   Monday The task: Make a blue screen of death message using type only. I didn’t do this one on Monday, and I didn’t need to do it to get the three daily creates for this week, BUT… I just had to make ...
  2. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Random Photos Can Create a Story

    Five Card Story: Lesson Learned a Five Card Flickr story created by HeyMsParker flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by Serenae The two boys loved playing in the city. That’s how they met, after all. Then on a dreary day in September, one ...
  3. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Silent & Screaming

    Part Un I’ve been looking back at some of the “best of” DS106 storytelling pieces this week. On the in[SPIRE] site, I looked around for awhile until I found a submission that really struck me. This submission by Annie took me by surprise. I’ve embedded the video below for everyone to understand what I’m talking ...
  4. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Game of Stories

    This short video of Kurt Vonnegut talking about the shape of stories has inspired this post. I took a stab at creating my own story shape for Wreck-It Ralph. Since it may be a spoiler for some people who haven’t seen the movie yet, click below to read more.     Vonnegut uses the following ...
  5. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    This is Meta-hard.

    I see storytelling as conveying something through words, body movement, maybe pictures or movies. The first thing that comes to mind is interpretive dance. While there are no words, you still hear music and see body movement, and you still learn a story from it. It doesn’t have to be something active like that though, ...
  6. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Like a BOSS.

    And so ends the second week of DS106 and bootcamp!  I feel pretty accomplished right now. Onto this week’s tasks This week wasn’t as taxing as last week. My first task was to customize both this blog and the main welcome site. Luckily, I had already started on this blog! This theme that you see ...
  7. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Creativity is a Daily Thing

    I did a few Daily Creates this week. I didn’t get as many as I thought I would, but I’m not a creative writing person, so those are always hard for me. I’ve been trained to write like a history major, and it’s been hard to break that. For Monday’s Daily Create, the assignment was to take a ...
  8. Hey, Ms. Parker...


    So I went a bit overboard on the gif ship. For Week #2′s assignment, I had to create a gif that captured the essence of a key scene from my favorite movie. AHH FAVORITE MOVIE?! That’s such a monumental decision I’d have to make. What if I pick the WRONG ONE?! After that moment of crisis, I ...
  9. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    DanceDance, It’s the First Week!

    It’s the first week of DS106! If you’re new here, check out this About Ms. Parker link to know more about what this blog is all about and who Ms. Parker is! So, for this week, we viewed three videos and read John Cage’s rules for Students and Teachers. Steven Johnson has a point that ...
  10. Hey, Ms. Parker...

    Daily Create

    Hi everyone! I’m Brooke. I’m a senior history major here at UMW, and I’m also working towards a teaching license for secondary education. I’m a Resident Assistant, as you will find out in the video below, and I love my job. Just like teaching, it’s rewarding despite the hard work. I also have a summer ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]