Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92855 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. hope

    This American Life

    For my reflection post on an outside radio broadcast, I chose to do something from “This American Life.” It’s a show that I grew up listening to, and in my experience you always learn something new or interesting from their… Continue Reading
  2. hope

    Daily Create: Week 3

    DAILY CREATE 1: (9/11) The first Daily Create I did this week was to recreate my favorite mathematical expression using found materials. I kind of stretched the parameters of this project. After looking at my classmate’s projects, I realized that I… Continue Reading
  3. hope

    Weekly Summary: 9/7

    DS106 has been a real adventure this week. I think I have successfully run the gamut of technical problems. I have had my Twitter account hacked, been locked out of my WordPress, had Photoshop (figuratively) implode on itself, and battled mercilessly… Continue Reading
  4. hope

    Weekly Summary 8/31

    Twitter Flickr Soundcloud Youtube Comment 1: Amanda Comment 2: Rachel This first week of DS106 has been a fun excersize in flexing creativity and getting my wordpress set up. In customizing my site, I have used the “Fashionista” theme, and… Continue Reading
  5. hope

    Hello World!

    My name is Hope Racine, and I’m a senior at UMW. I love storytelling, and so I am vey excited for this class! I’m the news editor/ graphics person over at the Blue & Gray Press, along with the template… Continue Reading
  6. hope


    N E W S   &   P O L I T I C S   W R I T E R Full Portfolio N E W S Hillary Clinton Blames Republicans For Public Mistrust, But Is The “Right-Wing Conspiracy” At Fault? The Paul Ryan Double Standard Demonstrates How “Family Time” For Men & Women
    + Read More

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