Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. jreingol

    Cheap Sunglasses


    In the Design category, I chose to do the Lyric Typography Poster assignment. The song I picked was “Cheap Sunglasses” feat. Matthew Koma by RAC. You can listen to the song here. The lyrics I chose are at the end of the chorus and are “You’re cheap sunglasses. And they’ll see right through you.” To create this poster, I used Adobe Photoshop. I… Read more →

  2. jreingol

    Pixlr Tutorial


    For about 2 years I have been using this image editor called Pixlr, and so I thought I’d share it with you all that way you can keep it in mind throughout the semester. Right off the bat there are pros and cons to Pixlr. Pros: Free to use even without an account You can save images to your Google Drive… Read more →

  3. jreingol

    If You Give a Donkey a Waffle


    Mashup Children’s Book: Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. I really wanted to do something with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie since it was one of my favorite books growing up. Since the author made numerous sequels about pigs and pancakes and moose and muffins, I knew I had to keep the pattern of having sweet food… Read more →

  4. jreingol

    From Land to Sea


    The Wire Season 1, Episode 13: Sentencing Finally the day has come when Avon Barksdale gets put away in jail. About a dozen or so of Avon’s men also get sentenced and put away. However many of the dealer’s sentences are not nearly what they should be. Avon has a really good (and annoying) lawyer who really does not care… Read more →

  5. jreingol

    “Now You’re in the Game.”


    For the GIF assignment, I summarized Season 1, Episode 10: The Cost of The Wire. I picked five scenes that had what I felt were either crucial moments, and/or crucial lines. The actual GIF making process was definitely more difficult than I had thought it would be, but that is because I chose to make it more difficult for myself. I was not… Read more →

  6. jreingol

    So Many Feels on The Wire This Week.


    The Wire Episode 10: The Cost This episode was jammed pack with all kinds of developments!! Wallace and Omar are staying at the top of my list as McNulty continues to annoy me. McNulty just bothers me because although I know he is probably a good cop and will eventually bring down the whole Barksdale gang, when he isn’t working,… Read more →

  7. jreingol

    My Introductions


    Twitter My intro: short, avid cereal eater, dog lover, whovian, bug fearer, tea drinker, ATLA fan, feminist, fashion-conscious, UMW Eagle, #ds106 — Jessica Reingold (@jessreingold) August 25, 2014 Flickr   Youtube   Soundcloud Read more →

  8. jreingol

    First post!


    Just wanted to say hey to everyone else in #ds106! I’ve finished all of my introductions and have been doing the Daily Creates, and am working on watching The Wire now! I’m very excited to see everyone’s work this semester! -Jess (@jessreingold) Read more →

  9. jreingol

    Week 1 Summary


    The first week of classes is always pretty hectic, mostly because I’m just trying to figure out a routine to get into. Nevertheless, I still managed to do my four introductions for this and watch episodes 7-9 of The Wire, as well as complete some daily creates! I already had a domain and blog set up for this course, and accounts with… Read more →

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