Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kochnick

    Week 7 Summary

    Ok, so this week has been mostly focused around the idea of getting our radio show set up and idea out on the table. During class the entire week, all we did was get segments ready, designate who was gonna do what, and prepare for the editing process. This weekly summary is going to be … Continue reading
  2. kochnick

    Week 7 Summary

    Ok, so this week has been mostly focused around the idea of getting our radio show set up and idea out on the table. During class the entire week, all we did was get segments ready, designate who was gonna do what, and prepare for the editing process. This weekly summary is going to be … Continue reading
  3. kochnick

    Radio Show Design Project

    Click this link to see my Radio Show Design Project! It is also embedded below. To be honest, I made it in about  10 minutes. I just grabbed a few free textures from online, threw them together, messed with their settings a bit and wa-la! You have a DS106 Radio bumper sticker!
  4. kochnick

    Radio Show Progress

    Good afternoon! This is a quick update on the radio show progress. There isn’t really a whole lot to update on, but I will let you know what I know. We have all been given different segments in the radio show process. For me, I am doing some music, a bumper, and doing the host … Continue reading
  5. kochnick

    Week 6 Summary!

    Got er done at the last minute! Talk about a crazy week, both with school work and personal life. Wheew! Let’s get down to business and see how this week went. 1. Read and Reflect on The Vignelli Canon: To get more of an insight about this, read my blog post here. 2. Complete a DesignBlitz: … Continue reading
  6. kochnick


    For this assignment, we were to write a poem by hand post it online! You can see the details here. To be honest, the poem is one of Bo Burnham. One of my favorite comedians.
  7. kochnick

    Film Analysis; FilmDesign

    So for this assignment, we were supposed to watch a movie and do what the instructions said. Frankly, all of those movies looked very boring. So I’m gonna do the same assignment, but I am going to talk about Gran Torino. (Because it’s my absolute favorite movie of all time.) Design in this sense means … Continue reading
  8. kochnick


    Complete a DesignBlitz. To be fair, nature is a design. And most of the time it’s a beautiful design. So that’s why one of my photos is of a tree. I will explain more when I get there. Minimalism: This photo, to me, represents that.. In a weird sort of way. I’ve always thought that tree … Continue reading
  9. kochnick

    Love At First Shot

    They were young. And at first, they had no idea what they were in for. They met on her front porch, a long time before they started dating. He taught her guitar lessons, as she secretly crushed on him across the room as he taught her lessons. Then one day, the lessons stopped. They went their separate … Continue reading
  10. kochnick

    Animated Movie Posters

    The assignment was to take a movie poster and animate it. You can find the description of the assignment here. Take a look at the photo that I did: Remeber: Don’t Let Go. Star Value: 4.5
  11. kochnick

    What The Font?

    The assignment was to take typographical font and bring them to life. You can find the assignment details here. Here is the photo that I created for this assignment. Star Value: 4.0
  12. kochnick

    The Vignelli Canon

    Pragmatics, discipline, ambiguity; these are just some of the things that Vignelli talks about in this short booklet. To be quite honest, I didn’t take away from it as much as I thought I would, but there were a lot of really good points he talked about. I’ll share a few with you: I really … Continue reading
  13. kochnick

    Weekly Summary – Week 5

    Well, here is a run-down on how this week went. Not going to lie, I was a littler nervous about this week. Just because I really don’t like working with the sound of my own voice really. But I actually got a lot out of this week, let’s go through it! Download and Experiment with … Continue reading
  14. kochnick

    800% Slower

    Check it out! The goal of the assignment was to take a song and make it 800% slower to give it a truly ambient sound. Wow, take a listen and see what you think: Star Value: 4 Link to assignment: Make it 800% Slower
  15. kochnick

    Radio Bumper

    For an assignment this week, we had to make a radio bumper for DS106 radio! I thought this was going to be harder than it actually was. It was fun to experiment with all of the settings and see what I could some up with. I used a voice morpher called “MorphVOX Pro” to make … Continue reading
  16. kochnick

    Last Laugh Sound Analysis

    I am going to talk about page 4. (The one where he describes the prank on the little kids) Sound could very easily help convey this image even stronger. I will talk about a few of the sentences and how sound could help emotionally involve the audience even more. Horse meat -Image hearing the sound … Continue reading
  17. kochnick

    Audio and How It Effects Our Mind

    I have a lot to say on this subject. I’m someone that actually has quite a bit of knowledge on this subject (really not trying to brag about that.) So to get in the mood while typing this, I am currently listening to the whole “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” score, composed by John … Continue reading
  18. kochnick

    Weekly Wrap-Up

    Wow! What a week. Let’s see if we can get through this before starting on week 5. Here we go: Think about the visuals of storytelling: Click here to read this blog post Reflect on cinematography: Click here to read this blog post Create a paranormal image: Click here to read this blog post 12 stars worth of … Continue reading

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