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  1. nixmem

    More Layers, More Problems

    Telling A Wire Episode Through GIFs The big part of this week’s assignment was learning to create a series of .GIF animated images to explain an episode of The Wire. Knowing that the process of creating the GIFs would require several programs already freaked me out a little. I saw…
  2. nixmem

    Digital Identity Analysis

    I find difficulty in managing multiple social media accounts, but there are some accounts that I use frequently. Although I have a Facebook account, I mainly use its “Newsfeed” feature to see what friends are up to, and what their thoughts are. I’m more of a lurker on Facebook as…
  3. nixmem

    Digital Identity Analysis

    I find difficulty in managing multiple social media accounts, but there are some accounts that I use frequently. Although I have a Facebook account, I mainly use its “Newsfeed” feature to see what friends are up to, and what their thoughts are. I’m more of a lurker on Facebook as…
  4. nixmem

    Week 1 Summary

    Creating My Domain Prior to the start of classes, I made sure to carefully follow the directions sent via email to create my website. I had never heard about UMW Domains before, and after learning that each student for their duration at the University of Mary Washington receives a free…

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