Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. nrandall

    Inspire: Of Cruelty and Treats

    by This one was just plain cruel! However, I could not stop from laughing at it. That dog looks so depressed that that is not a treat. I’ve seen some cruel stuff in my days, but this one was just great. I wonder if the dog actually fell for it though. Anyways, I’m inspired by […]
  2. nrandall

    Inspire: Remembering that Awesome Autumn

    by So, I just got inspired today! I started looking through folk’s websites, when I stumbled upon this lovely little picture. To most people, this is just a tree. However, this inspired me to remember that awesome time of year called “Autumn.” Since I’ve been in college, the rest of the world is almost invisible […]
  3. nrandall

    Food Tower

    Today’s TDC was pretty fun! I decided to make a food tower that had support. It would have looked more like a cool pyramid, but the granola bars would not cooperate! Curse you granola!
  4. nrandall

    A Week’s Reflection : noitcelfeR s’keeW A

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Once more, we have all made it to the end of yet another week. If you can’t tell by the title, I have had to spend the entire week reflecting on the past and doing some other interesting things. Well, enough of my babbling about the overall week; let me break […]
  5. nrandall

    Inspire: Going for Excellence

    by This picture inspired me to go for creating excellent work. After I saw this picture, I decided I should probably step my game up and try to make some really awesome stuff. This picture was just designed very well. Maybe this does not do for you what it does for me, but I rather […]
  6. nrandall

    Inspire: A Wild Jim Groom has Appeared!

    by Jim Groom just keeps showing up on this site, and I’m not sure how. Anyways, this is a pretty darn good drawing, even if it is not using huge details. It really shines in the fact that the picture looks just like him! This picture inspired me to keep doing simple work because huge […]
  7. nrandall

    Inspire: Boots Made for Stomping

    by This one inspired me to make a picture of my fan for one of the visual assignments. Something about this large boot was just cool to me. Perhaps, the post that the author made, inspired me, I’m not really sure. One thing is certain, this was done very well and I really like how […]
  8. nrandall

    1st is the Worst… Right?

    Hello ladies and gentlemen! Earlier this week, I got the opportunity to listen to Science and The Wire (the first radio show up this past week). I have to say, for the first one up, this was an awesome show, and here are some of my thoughts about it. 1. The Discussion Okay, so this […]
  9. nrandall

    Changing the Past

    This is an interesting question. I don’t think I would change a thing about my past. While my past is not flawless, I rather like that it has made me who I am today. Most people would kill to have something like this, but I think I’d have to pass. I like how I am […]
  10. nrandall

    30 Doodle!

    So here are 30 Doodles from today’s TDC. I rather enjoyed doing this one. Each one is meant to be a series (going down). 1. Add one line and increment for each circle. 2. Draw a circle then increment for each circle. 3. Draw a square then increment for each circle. 4. Draw a triangle […]
  11. nrandall

    It is Live!

    Radio Show Now this was truly interesting. Throughout the past couple of weeks, I worked in a group to develop a radio show. The development was pretty good! We used Audacity to fully record our conversations, and create the commercials that were in the show. I was responsible for editing the final question, and I […]
  12. nrandall

    Most Interesting Week!

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! This has been the most interesting week of ds106. Let’s not break tradition, and let me get this show rolling. The Wire The Wire keeps getting more and more interesting with each passing episode. For starters, the story behind the homicide rate in Baltimore keeps getting more interesting. First, the fact […]
  13. nrandall

    Carl Cattler… more like…

    Carl Cattler now sees nothing, but the eyes of the tiger. The tiger lunged forward and ripped his head clean off. What happened next was a bizarre feat that no tiger has ever accomplished. The tiger then mounted his head on a wall and stairs into his eyes; the tiger looks deeply into them, almost […]
  14. nrandall

    Progress Report

    The radio show is actually coming along pretty well. Here is what our group went over: 1. We decided that we are going to do a discussion about The Wire. This discussion will center around how we would have handled a given situation or a discussion on how we think the characters should have handled […]
  15. nrandall

    Of Breaks and Weekends

    Well, we have made it to the end of yet another week. Between break and midterms, we have all been rather busy. I can’t say for certain, but I hope this week’s post will brighten your break! The Wire This week, I got to see how the story behind the Sobotkas ended and I got […]
  16. nrandall

    The Sounds of the Forest

    by Sounds are from spoonbender –…r/sounds/244942/ IFartInUrGeneralDirection –…on/sounds/74646/ cornodrig – This sound was made from various sound that I found on I also used the Audacity software to trim, and adjust the volume of the different sounds in each file. Finding them was not too difficult; it just took the […]
  17. nrandall

    1000 Cans of Whoop @$$

    by This was a fun one to create. I used the sound recorder on my computer and a basic headset. However, unlike other recordings, I grabbed my brother to assist me with this one while I was at home. After going over the assignment, he was ready to help. The idea for the product actually […]
  18. nrandall

    Another Day at the Adventurer’s Shack!

    by Alright here is a short audio clip of the adventurer’s shack. Creating this simply required my mic, my computer’s sound recorder, and a quiet area. I also had to pull to different voices to act out a scene (I’m not too good at making different voices so it might not be the best). I […]
  19. nrandall

    Doodle an Adventure!

    And so a lone wanderer discovered a cave at the edge of darkness. As soon as I saw this was up, I knew I had to make a cave doodle for a minifig to explore. This was a fun and simple daily create! Again, since I’m not too good at drawing this is just a […]
  20. nrandall

    The Wire: A Tale of Tools

    The Wire is a show about a technician. This technician is responsible for re-wiring the electricity in broken houses that were damaged by various things. Some of these things include storms, fire, natural disasters, or even vandalism. The show takes place in Italy, and features a cast of various technicians that work across the world. […]
  21. nrandall

    Designing, “LIKE A BOSS!”

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Once again we have made it to the end of another thrilling week! As usual, a lot of stuff has happened this week, so let’s begin. The Wire Okay everyone, I have seen a bunch of wild stuff in The Wire, but this week really took the cake for me. I […]
  22. nrandall

    A Light in the Dark

    by This is a picture of the light in my room. This picture has not been modified and this is the actual picture. I started taking random pictures of interesting things in my room and then this happened! Randomly, this looks black and white, but it has not been modified by my camera or any […]
  23. nrandall

    For the Road Rage Enthusiast…

    by For everyone who hates getting cut off, this one is for you! It was made on powerpoint using shapes and textboxes. I originally had this as a striped yellow and black, but it was difficult to read, so I stuck with black borders and a large warning. I created this because I wanted to […]
  24. nrandall


    by Alright here is my take on a READ poster. I created this with powerpoint like all of my other pictures. If the picture is of lesser quality, it is because I resized it. The process of creating this was fairly simple as usual. On the other hand, The inspiration for this is more of […]
  25. nrandall

    Jim Groom is Famous!

    by The Wire and Jim Groom… what do they have in common? Well they are both famous! I wanted to make Jim telling a character in The Wire to make art, so this worked out perfectly! I just wished I had a more ridiculous picture of Jim! Anyways, I made this picture in powerpoint as […]
  26. nrandall

    The Wire: Scene Poster

    by This is my poster design for the Scene Poster Assignment. After seeing the picture of Omar with a gun, I immediately recall this scene and said, “LET’S GO!” I grabbed a picture off of google and booted up powerpoint to make this. A couple of text boxes, comic sans font, and BAM! This picture […]
  27. nrandall

    The More You Know!

    Thoughts On: The Vignelli Canon I feel like I learn something new in this class every week. I took a read through the Vignelli Canon expecting to read yet another bland article, but I was surprised by the creativity that was shared. The biggest part of this booklet that stuck out to me was when […]
  28. nrandall

    A Trip Around Campus

    Alright folks I’d like to tell you all about a recent trip I had across campus. I read online that I had to do this little thing called a “design blitz.” Seeing as how I enjoyed the last blitz, I decided to go on a walk  across campus. I searched up and down to see […]

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