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  1. nrandall

    Happy 1000th TDC!

    Happy 1000th TDC! I figured I’d make a whale in a window, going for money for this TDC! I also added an additional shape (which now that I look at it, it looks more like a painting). This was a fun one to create. Hope you like it!
  2. nrandall

    Here goes something!

    Well, you all know I am not an artist! But here is an attempt from me, to draw a silhouette of me. It is roughly about 72% accurate, which is pretty darn good coming from me! It ain’t pretty, but it is some form of art.
  3. nrandall

    Empathy and School

    So this here is my empathy map! Here is a short explanation of each field: Hear? T.G.I.T. – Thank God it’s Thursday! Since I don’t have classes on Friday, this is always being heard from me. It makes the weekend so much sweeter! Say & Do I can do this (say) – I say I […]
  4. nrandall

    Optical Illusions

    Link: Alright, this one was in a rush, but here is me holding a calender. The lightning unfortunately is not too good (the photo was taken at 9:16pm. I chose the calender because it was one of the more interesting items to do this with in my room. Pretty much the only things I used […]
  5. nrandall

    The Big Picture

    Hello ladies and gentlemen! Once more we are back at the end of yet another thrilling week.A lot has happened this week for all of us, and I must say it has been fun despite me being sick. But anyways, enough of me yammering about my health, here is a breakdown of what has been […]
  6. nrandall

    Of Air and Life

    Here is a photo of one of my fans! This is the smaller of my two fans and this picture actually makes it seem really tall now that I look at it. I image that a minifig would see this as some form of a dark spire that possesses wind energy, but that’s just my […]
  7. nrandall

    Sitting in My Gullet

    These are the last beverages I have had over the weekend. If you are wondering why they are full, it is because I did not want to sift through my garbage to go and grab the empty bottles, especially since sick materials are the majority of my trash at the moment. Why go with those […]
  8. nrandall

    One of These Things Just Doesn’t Belong…

    One of these things just doesn’t belong here… I’m very curious to know if you can find it! This one was simple for me to make because I immediately thought about LEGO. This did not take long to make, it just took a couple of minifig parts, the correct lighting, macro mode on a camera, […]
  9. nrandall


    This was my first photo blitz ever; it was actually pretty fun to do! I found myself trying to go for some interesting pictures, so I hope you will enjoy as I take you through this little tale. It started at 12:43, and I had no clue what I was going to take pictures of. […]
  10. nrandall

    The Ambient Noise of Sick Life

    Unfortunately, I have been sick over the weekend, but I managed to capture the sounds around me. They aren’t the best, and I don’t have the best sound equipment, but it came out decently I think. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the 30 seconds of sick life. –
  11. nrandall

    Jim Groom the StickFigure

    As I have stated before, I am no artist, but I can draw stickfigures (barely)! So I decided to draw Jim Groom, with lightning. For some odd reason the name “Reverend” sounds like lightning should be associated with it. Perhaps I’ve played one to many fantasy games. Anyways, let me know what you think, especially […]
  12. nrandall

    Audio, Audio, Audio: A Tale of the Week

    Alrighty, here we are at the end of another week. Let us start this out on a good note. The Wire (Unfortunately I watched all the episode back to back so it all just merges together) Now everything is beginning to pick up. I am beginning to see where the story is going to center […]
  13. nrandall

    The Sound of my voi… err Rain!

      So… this is rain, from my voice. I have to admit, I did this about 7 times before I got it to where I wanted it. I had my fan on in the background and began to make a somewhat watery sound with my mouth (you know how rain sounds). I did not get […]
  14. nrandall

    My Life is True

      This was an interesting one to see posted. I had to stop and think about something interesting in my life that was worth sharing. Of course, being in college, I reflected back to entering college. Fortunately, coming up with the audio was simple since it was just speech. As for the story, it is […]
  15. nrandall

    A Story in the Rain

    Credits to sounds from: jmbphilmes – Yuval – vhlam – joedeshon – mungous – Here was my first attempt at creating a sound story. If you can guess the sounds, give yourself a pat on the back! Creating this was much different than anything I have ever made before. I […]
  16. nrandall

    Brainstorming: The Wire and Technology!

    Okay so I had an idea for a radio show, so hear me out! The Wire and Technology goes off of the basis of a couple of main points: 1. This show was done in 2003 (correct me if I’m wrong). 2. The technology used is probably out dated. 3. Criminal methods have probably improved […]
  17. nrandall

    A Thought or Two on Sounds

    On the Jennifer Ralston Interview First thing is first, I am amazed at the level of detail that went into making this interview; it was very clear, informative, and it was professional on all level! So with that out of the way, let me give a summary on my thoughts for the interview. 1. The […]
  18. nrandall

    How to Burpee…

      This was an interesting daily create. I’ve never heard of this being called a burpee before. However, I figured putting a helpless stick figure through it is much better than me trying to do it. So once more, here is another one of my drawings. Hope you like it!
  19. nrandall

    That Feeling when You Pass a Test…

      You really gotta be happy when you pass that test you studied for. Especially when you work hard, and pass it with flying colors. I just wanted to add this picture up for a daily create; it really summed up a lot of happiness that is generated on campus (at least academic wise). Let […]
  20. nrandall

    Third Time is a Charm, Right?

    Ladies, and Gentleman, we have made it through another week! I’m not gonna lie, last weekend’s post sucked @$$, and now it is time to make up for that. This has been a busy week for all of us, but hopefully you’ll get maybe a couple of chuckles (or something else, I don’t know) from […]
  21. nrandall

    Teachers Are Terrible People…

    This is for the Renegade Teacher writing assignment. Okay, this one pretty much wrote itself. I remember seeing this yesterday and thought this would be a good picture! I wanted to do something a bit more vulgar for the writing, but I figured I should keep it clean. This scene stuck out to me as […]
  22. nrandall

    What are you looking at???

      Well this was interesting to do! This is a picture for the Creative Mashup. The Wire picture comes from S2E01, and the painting is Getrude Stein by Pablo Picasso. Truth be told, I’m not even certain why I chose this picture from the wire. I was looking for anything having to do with McNulty […]
  23. nrandall

    And Poetry is Even More Weird!!!

    Zero things come to mind. Since thinking in z’s is not in mind. Zebra’s dancing is what I think. Since zebra starts with “z” I think. Zero things come to mind. Since thinking comes from the strangest mind. I am not a poet, for that matter, I can’t even rhyme! When I saw today’s daily […]
  24. nrandall

    Triple Troll Picture

    I really wanted to use a picture of Omar for this assignment, so I remembered this picture from S1E13. For whatever reason, I decided to use one of the lines that the judge said to McNulty. I then thought that it might would appear that this is a believable line if I attached Avon’s name […]
  25. nrandall

    Mathematical formulas eh…

      For some odd reason, when I think of pie-r-squared, I think of Pie and a railroad crossing sign. I probably think of this because r r is the same as r^2. Just a random thought on it; I know it probably is not too original. Hope you enjoy it!
  26. nrandall

    Not Your Average Week…

    Well, here we are at the end of another week! Let’s have a quick recap of what has been going on (in case you missed it)! I just got Known up! Woohoo! — nick (@Nrandall13) September 3, 2014 Known is now 100% up and is now in use! It was easy to install, and it […]
  27. nrandall

    1st Ever GIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From S1E04 This really summed up the episode for me as this was possibly one of my favorite scenes. It really showed some hardcore detective work going on, and to me, this also seemed to be one of the most realistic scenes as they were trying to figure out how/where the victim was murdered. I’m […]

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