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  1. @shealanclark

    Final Project

    For this project I decided to go with option one. I really enjoyed making that mini-documentary and wanted to try my hand at it again. It took me about a week to finally figure out who or want I wanted the documentary to be about. I remembered a conversation I had with my professor about … Continue reading Final Project
  2. @shealanclark

    Radio News

    This week I decided that for my 5 minutes of the radio show I’d do a news piece on “current” events and trends in 1986. We are not doing a certain year, but I figured I’d just focus on one year since it’s a news bit. In order to find the topics, I decided to … Continue reading Radio News
  3. @shealanclark

    1980’s Soda Commercial

    For the radio show I decided to make an 80’s themed soda commercial. I decided it would be best to just make a fictional one. I looked up popular 80’s slang and chose to go with Chill Bomb Soda for the name of the product. #ds106 # Aud...
  4. @shealanclark


    The best way to learn and develop a skill for design is to first become conscious of a good design when you see it. Then to evaluate and analyse what makes this design “good.” What is the design trying to communicate? Pay attention to the details, because the more details you find, the more the … Continue reading Designing
  5. @shealanclark

    Week 6 Summary(Design)

    Design is definitely something I want to learn more about. I find the psychology behind it very interesting such as the effect color has on us and how people have a natural way they scan an image. A good design has a strategy. Vintage-Ify A Place Noir Valentine Contradiction Creation Elements of … Continue reading Week 6 Summary(Design)
  6. @shealanclark

    Week 5 Summary(Audio)

    This week was on audio and it was better than I thought it was going to be. I’ve never really made anything on audio software before so this was out of my comfort zone. But it surprised me how fun it ended up being to create little sound clips. Quote Radio Show Ideas … Continue reading Week 5 Summary(Audio)
  7. @shealanclark

    Quote with a New Feeling

    For this assignment I chose to do the recording of a quote then add background music to it. “Do not let the past disturb you, just leave everything in the Sacred Heart and begin again with joy.” – Mother Teresa #ds106 #AudioAss...
  8. @shealanclark

    Radio Show Ideas

    -Interact live with the live-tweets do Q&A 80’s themed (What character would you play in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? etc). 80’s Trivia. If it’s trivia over songs, we could play the correct answer(song) after the question is over. -We could do a drama set in the 80’s. Maybe the reenactment of a diary entry. Could … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  9. @shealanclark

    Played from Another Room

    For this assignment I took the song Fine and Mellow by Etta Jones and created it to sound like you were walking by a club where the performance was taking place. #ds106 #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments2227
  10. @shealanclark


    As I am listening to “The Lady Vanishes,” I notice how the music is not constant and that it changes from section to section. I think they do this to help keep this story from sounding static and stale. It helps set the mood and creates interest. It also helps to keep interest when they … Continue reading Listening
  11. @shealanclark

    A Sound Effects Story

    For this assignment I used to supply the sound effects for my story. It was fun mixing two or more sounds to play at the same time to help create the story better and less choppy. Also using fade out was very helpful. #ds106 #AudioA...
  12. @shealanclark

    DS106 Radio Bumper

    Here is my ds106 radio bumper I made using Adobe Audition and the audio library on YouTube. I have never really played around with an audio editor before. It was very similar to a video editor so thankfully there wasn’t much of a learning curve ...
  13. @shealanclark

    In History

    Since it is hard for me to take a full-body picture of myself, I decided to use an old picture of me doing a bigfoot pose for this little project. I would like to tackle this assignment again with a little help in taking a better picture for the task....
  14. @shealanclark

    Summary week 3

    Storytelling is something that is all around us. It is something we need to familiarize ourselves with in order to compete and stay relevant. Although stories do follow the same overused outline there are ways to brand a story in a way that makes it refreshing. It is no secret that Hollywood isn’t producing “new” … Continue reading Summary week 3
  15. @shealanclark

    Writing Advice

    I ran across this article a couple years ago and it helped me to practice better writing. This article contains similar advice but geared towards fiction more. https://www.iu...

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