Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @shealanclark

    Happy music

    For this assignment I debated about using the emotion “inspiring” since the songs I find that make me happy, pumped, or just plain emotional I find them to also be inspiring. So I decided to just go with happy to narrow it down. The first song is called Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic … Continue reading Happy music
  2. @shealanclark

    Summary week 2

    At first I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this weeks topic on copyright, but I ended up really liking it. The articles I read were great along with the documentary. They covered this very important and often misunderstood topic. I also very much enjoyed the freedom to chose what projects we worked on … Continue reading Summary week 2
  3. @shealanclark

    Show Your Work

    I just read a great article by Austin Kleon. I absolutely love the idea of sharing your process with the world. I am one of those people who want to know the little details of what went into creating whatever is being created. We often dismiss the little things and only focus on the big … Continue reading Show Your Work
  4. @shealanclark

    80’s Tech

    When it comes to the 1980’s, I am drawn to the gadgets that emerged in that decade. Much of my childhood involved the VCR, NES and an off brand of the Walkman. 1980’s technology really did become a staple in our modern lives. Though now everything has been simplified to a smart phone. Here is … Continue reading 80’s Tech
  5. @shealanclark


    Good thing I had this already setup from last semester, but I am definitely going to put together my own website especially since I signed up for the Adobe subscription. I am also loving that this is 80’s themed! I am excited about this semester...
  6. @shealanclark

    The real lab 9

    Objective To create a web server with XAMPP and an FTP server. Equipment XAMPP, Brackets Notes and Observations We downloaded XAMPP and set up the web server. We each then created our own basic website and visited each others websites. All of this was fairly simple since I have recent experience with all of this. … Continue reading The real lab 9
  7. @shealanclark

    Lab 7

    Objective To create 2 networks using the lab computers and connect them with a router. Equipment lab computers, router, ethernet Notes and Observations We had to learn how to disconnect from the school network, create a new IP address and see if our computers could talk to the computers on the other network connected to … Continue reading Lab 7

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