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  1. @tayllargardner

    Radio Show Ideas

    I think a radio show discussing everyone’s favorite social media site would be really cool. Everyone would be able to discuss why which site is their favorite and maybe which site is even their least favorite. Different aspects and features of each site can also be discussed. Hopefully some people would even be able to … Continue reading "Radio Show Ideas"
  2. @tayllargardner

    Audio Reflection

    I find that sound is vital to telling stories especially online. Sound is the only way to impart meaning and convey emotions. With that being said sound is what brings a story to life in many ways. Interviews capture the voice of those being covered and creates a centerpiece for audio narratives. Atmospheric sounds also help … Continue reading "Audio Reflection"
  3. @tayllargardner


        Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. No ocean, surely you can find some water around you to take a photo of. The theme is red. Red hot? Red paint? Or something else? You decide. Sometimes perfection is the enemy. Take a photo that represents a beautiful mess. … Continue reading "photoblitz"
  4. @tayllargardner

    blurred lines

     I had to use movement and light to distort something so I got my camera and took a photo while moving it. Hopefully it is completely unrecognizable as that was the purpose of the photo.
  5. @tayllargardner

    Knightlab Story

    For this photo map I choose a vacation I took in 2012 in Colorado. I went through my pictures and found ones that were spread out through the area of CO that I was visiting. I think that this assignment actually turned out quite well and I really enjoy...
  6. @tayllargardner


    I really enjoyed reading this and easily got the idea he was going for. Before this article I had never really thought of it the way he put it but blogging is digital storytelling. The internet has given us a way to share stories virtually wether its through a WordPress blog, Tumblr, or even a … Continue reading "Web2.0Story"
  7. @tayllargardner

    The Internet

    I choose to read A Domain of One’s Own in a Post-Ownership Society by Andreas Walters. In the article she spoke of wanting to own your domain and claiming what is yours through the internet. I found this a bit interesting considering I never thought that anything on the internet belonged to me but was a communal … Continue reading "The Internet"

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