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  1. Tiffany Hobbs

    I hate it when people stalk me..

    Audio redubbing.. harder than it looks.. but I took a crack it. I decided to pick the scene from A Walk to Remember where Jamie tells Landon that she’s sick. I decided to make him a stalker...
  2. Tiffany Hobbs


    What what in the butt? Who on earth thought to create this.. It’s weird I tell you, WEIRD! We added this video to a genre that we titled “Inappropriate for church, but only church”
  3. Tiffany Hobbs


    What is that you say? An attempt at kinetic typography haha This was one of the most complicated things that I’ve done and it’s only 16 seconds -_- Well the hardest part was trying...
  4. Tiffany Hobbs

    Oh Nicholas Sparks..

    by One archetype, five movies, five seconds. So I decided to go with movie kisses.. And what better movies to choose than ones adapted from Nicholas Sparks’ books. On yo...
  5. Tiffany Hobbs

    A different interpretationā€¦

    by While working on the movie trailer mashup assignment, after watching movie trailers and trying to think of what I could do, I had the brilliant idea to take the trailers of two different fil...
  6. Tiffany Hobbs

    Trying to analyze a movie.. fail

    For my video essay, I decided to do P.S. I love you because I love the movie and thought it would be easy to talk about. I apologize for the last scene having subtitles in another language. I wanted ...
  7. Tiffany Hobbs

    My first ever video editing!

    For the first video assignment, I decided to redo the introduction for the notebook. Why I did what I did?!? First things first, I found a video that I liked. I apologize for the Serenity C...
  8. Tiffany Hobbs

    Digital Story Compilation

    by I think this would be really awesome. Obviously some background stuff I would need would be some of the video, audio, and pictures that I have taken. Some thoughts.. I could do it in se...
  9. Tiffany Hobbs

    P.S. I love you

    I chose to look at P.S. I love you because I think it is a cute movie with a touching plot. I love the way that the actors work together. They really do a good job making me believe they are actually in love. When they are happy, I feel happy and when ...
  10. Tiffany Hobbs

    The Live Outdoors

    The Team Which Shall Not be Named did an excellent job! I absolutely loved the show. I think it was very creative that you had a Q&A with Bear Grylls. I also really like the segments with Bones. Not going to lie, I was a little freaked out with th...
  11. Tiffany Hobbs

    Daily Create Wrap Up

    So I remembered to do all three this week And here they are… It’s February 29. Take a photo of a leap. Or a leaping photo. So I didn’t use my real camera which would have made the picture turn out better, but I tried leaping and takin...
  12. Tiffany Hobbs

    Working on our Radio Show

    Well, here we are. Getting stuff together for our 15-20 second bumper, 30 second commercial, and a five minute preview of our show. So far, we’ve got the bumper done. And here’s our commercial! Preview so far I’ve also been randomly r...
  13. Tiffany Hobbs

    What I did for love

    by The radio show that I listened to was called “What I did for love.” In the beginning we hear from the host and a girl about crazy things she did after a break up...
  14. Tiffany Hobbs

    My Sound Story

    What’s it like to wake up in the morning? Well in this story, you hear some yawning, some rustling to get out of bed, and then some walking to the bathroom. There you hear the morning pee, the toilet flushing and hand washing/drying. Next, you he...
  15. Tiffany Hobbs

    My Daily Creates for the week

    I was really naughty this week with going to Georgia, so unfortunately, I only did two daily creates.. But I will be back in business and on top of things this week, I promise! So the two that I did… Make a short video of something cooking. I dec...
  16. Tiffany Hobbs

    I love blankets!

    by Well obviously I do not have a deep epic male voice haha so I used effects on audacity to help. It kind of sucks though that my computer mic has sooooo much background noise, so I apologize. I deci...
  17. Tiffany Hobbs

    I can be difficult

    by I work at a Chick-Fil-A so I just put in some of the more difficult things that people actually ask for. I don’t really have any good accents so I just went with whatever that is lol....
  18. Tiffany Hobbs

    Are you up to the challenge?

    For this audio assignment,Ā, I decided to randomly pick 6 songs from my computer’s music library. Ā I did however stick to one genre, country Ā To me I don’t think it&#82...
  19. Tiffany Hobbs

    Georgia on my mind

    Well I had a fantastic trip to Georgia with the entire leadership team from the Chick-Fil-A that I work at. We went to visit Chick-fil-A’s Home Office, Marketing, and Warehouse buildings. It was so much fun although it seemed like the day never e...
  20. Tiffany Hobbs

    Daily Create Wrap-Up

    Summing up the things I’ve done this week… Monday: Take a photo of a food being served or eaten in an unconventional way. I took a picture of my nephew because babies don’t know how to eat like normal people so my interpretation of un...
  21. Tiffany Hobbs

    Can you guess the song?

    If you can’t, you obviously don’t hear mainstream music… Just kidding, but not really. It’s a popular song from a group that I love haha. I decided to do this song and the image in the way that I did for everything to be taken l...
  22. Tiffany Hobbs

    Tung Shao Pass

    Design Assignment: Postcards from Magical Places. We actually worked on this in class as a group so I’m using it as on of my assignments For this, our group decided on Mulan. ...
  23. Tiffany Hobbs

    Minimalist Movie Poster

    I took a crack at the Minimalist Movie Poster as my first design assignment. I don’t know that I really like the way it came out but I took too much time to not post it Basically, I love the movie The Notebook. Typical, I know… But, my idea...
  24. Tiffany Hobbs

    Daily Create Wrap-Up

    Since I had been blogging about my Daily Creates everyday, I only have three more that I have not posted about this week. So, here we go! Confusion- Take a picture of confusion. Well, I asked my boyfriend to give me a confused look. This is what I got....
  25. Tiffany Hobbs

    Cropped Signs

    For this assignment, I actually carried my camera with me while taking out the trash. I photographed a few signs and then decided that I wanted to fix this one up. Below I will post both pictures. This photo is funny to me for two reasons. The first be...
  26. Tiffany Hobbs

    What I want to be when I grow up

    After college, I have every intention of going straight into teaching high school math. I’m on the right track to getting there since I only have one more semester of regular classes (excluding this one) and one semester of student teaching! I do...

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