My final ds106 assignment is Mushup!!!
ds106 Mashup Assignment120Think of anyplace you spend money, and what you most often buy at that place.
Then redesign their logo to incorporate your favorite product. Do as many as you want.
I desided to try this assignment after seeing Mai's work;)
As she said, I also spend my money at seven eleven because I buy food alsmost everyday. Although I do not go H.I.S. many times, I think H.I.S. is the place where I spend most money to travel!!!!
Highest International Standards, H.I.S., is travel an agent and inurance company. it is well-known as the company providing airline tickets in reasonable price. When I go abroad, I always buy an air ticket in H.I.S., and I had great time in Bali, Arizona and Bangkok with nice guides. I'd like to participate in H.I.S.'s tour again in near future:)
More Details about H.I.S.*********************************************************
This is an original logo of H.I.S....
by HISI'd like to try to redesign the logo!!
(1) find a new background
by edit this picture by using two iPhone's apprications.
Here are my new designes!!
iPhone's apprications are very useful and reasonable!!
I cannot use photoshop, but it is seemed that it is better for me to use iPhone apprications instead of photoshop ;p I hope consumers would like them ;)