Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Karen Richardson

    Golden Shovel Poems

    There is a poem nestled in my email each morning. It’s the Poem-A-Day from the National Academy of Poets. I often skip it by, moving into the more urgent emails first. And then the day goes by without reading the poem. One of my resolutions for 2014 is to actually read the poem first. Today’s ...
  2. Karen Richardson

    Of Troll Quotes and Book Shelves

    I spent a bit of time browsing the aggregator in hopes of finding potential blog post fodder. I loved Tom Woodward’s rif on quotes and authenticity but could find nothing of any consequence to add except to say thanks for providing the link to Michael Livingston’s blog, which has been added to the aggregator. So, ...
  3. Karen Richardson

    Create, Connect, Commit in 2013

    Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach described her New Year’s commitments and challenged the rest of us to do the same. As always, she makes a powerful statement and I found myself nodding my head in agreement as I read. Dealing productively with digital and emotional distractions, finding a work/life balance, and pursuing excellent in everything…these are all worthy goals. ...
  4. Karen Richardson

    Stargazing with Kermit

    Happened to read Tim Owens’ blog this morning and discover the ds106 assignment of creating an animated Muppet gif. Rainbow Connection is my favorite Muppet song so here’s my gif of Kermit singing in the swamp: What’s so amazing that keeps us star gazing and what do we think we might see? Someday we’ll find ...
  5. Karen Richardson

    Haiku It Up

    I wish I could take credit for this assignment but it comes from my student at WM, Rachel.  She is in my undergrad pre-service class and one of their assignments is to do a ds106 assignment.  Here’s hers… This is the assignment: This is the pic I chose: This is my haiku: they see us ...
  6. Karen Richardson

    Making Creativity A Priority

    At the beginning of the year, I dove into The Daily Create, part of ds106. Then, real life intervened: the semester started at the two universities where I teach, the to do list for my day job got longer, and, this week, the spring gardening season too...
  7. Karen Richardson

    The Tongue Twister Took Me Down

    I had a LONG day…teaching a newbie how to use Twitter and then running a webinar. But I was determined to complete The Daily Create. I fiddled around with my SL avatar but there was too much delay. Then I found the PERFECT avatar at Voki–I am witchyrichy after all–but trying to convert the resulting ...
  8. Karen Richardson

    My Love Affair With Books

    When my husband took a tour of the old farmhouse last year, he was sure he would be able to convince me to buy it when he saw the library. Floor to ceiling bookshelves covered three walls of the room. Many of the shelves still held books as the former ...
  9. Karen Richardson

    View from the Porch

    Another View from the Porch, a photo by TheRichardsons on Flickr. Today’s assignment was to merge two photos of contrasting places together. I decided to try to do it in one photo: I took the picture from the porch of my 19th century farmhouse th...
  10. Karen Richardson


    Doorknob, a photo by TheRichardsons on Flickr. Since my photos from flickr seem to have issues with the aggregator, I’ll post my photo assignment here, too. I don’t think this is really extreme enough but it’s the most extreme my came...
  11. Karen Richardson

    The Kettle Is On

    The Kettle Is On, a photo by TheRichardsons on Flickr. One of today’s entries in The Daily Create from ds106. The assignment was to take a photo that visually represents a sound. (
  12. Karen Richardson

    Warming Up the Creativity Muscle

    I joined ds106, the open online digital storytelling course, almost on a whim this week. I was vaguely familiar with it, having seen some of the projects that were created last semester. It just seemed like the jolt I needed to reacquaint myself with t...
  13. Karen Richardson

    Just An Old Curmudgeon

    Lately, as I’ve followed the conversations about teaching and learning in the 21st century, I find myself increasingly taking a negative stance. It may just be my natural need to be the devil’s advocate, but I think it’s also a frustr...

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