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  1. jgieseking

    If All Dating Apps Are Based on Grindr, We Need to Talk about Cruising (Part I of III)


    The first successful straight and lesbian dating apps emerged in the 2010s, including Tinder and HER. Widely known but woefully underexamined, these apps based their designs on, or even against, the first successful dating/hookup app: Grindr. In other words, developers imitated, refused, or even outright copied design, functionality, and structure to sell apps to straight people, lesbians, and other gay men (as the identity grouping went a decade ago, per big tech). Most importantly for my interest in lesbian, bi, queer, trans*, and sapphic (LBQT*S+) people’s experiences of dating and hookup apps, this evolution of dating apps from Grindr requires us to understand that all dating apps are based on—even by being designed alongside or against—the social and cultural hookup/dating norms of an app designed for, by, and about cis gay men, e.g. cruising.

    In other words, this means that all dating apps are created from and/or against the

  2. jgieseking

    If All Dating Apps Are Based on Grindr, We Need to Talk about Cruising (Part I of III)

    The first successful straight and lesbian dating apps emerged in the 2010s, including Tinder and HER. Widely known but woefully underexamined, these apps based their designs on, or even against, the first successful dating/hookup app: Grindr. In other words, developers imitated, refused, or even outright copied design, functionality, and structure …
  3. Downes

    Break Time

    May 7, 2023. A break station in the cycle for CHEO event in Ottawa. I signed up for the 70 k. ride, forgot my helmet, went and bought one, started two hours late, and rode 25 km. With all of that, still a nice day: the ride, along with a 6 km walk. ht...
  4. Downes

    Bridge Out

    If you're wondering where my photos are, the link between my photo site and this blog is temporarily broken. Technicians are working on it. Meanwhile, enjoy this:  Better quality video on YouTube:
  5. Downes

    Wet One

    May 2, 2023. This is a little creek where it crosses the road about a kilometer south of Casselman. I got out for a short 26 km ride today on the gravel bike, It would be unremarkable except for the rainstorm part way through, a hard rain, cold and we...
  6. Downes

    Hungarian Paste

    May 1, 2023. These are my new favourite flavours, one a paprika paste, and the other a pepper-tomato paste (I think), both from Hungary. I use them with my salmon-pasta soup, and it's out0-of-this-world delicious. Now that my projects have concluded, ...
  7. Downes

    My Skin

    April 29, 2023. This is the skin on my back, photographed fairly close up. I'm still struggling a lot with itchy skin; the itch sort of migrates, but right now it's on my back. As promised yesterday, today was a work day; I attended to some coding iss...
  8. Downes

    The Ridge

    April 28, 2023. It was a beautiful day today, sunny and warmish, with a moderate east wind, so I decided to cycle today and work over the weekend. I did a loop out to Riceville along the Ridge Road and then back to Casselman through St. Isadore. This ...
  9. Downes


    April 27, 2023. Just another dreary spring day commute. I spent the morning preparing all my slides for my presentation (I didn't even have time to join the strike over lunch) and then the presentation was postponed for a week. These things happen. ht...
  10. Downes


    April 26, 2023. Lunch at the Thai Express by the Gloucester Costco near work. The scene made me think of those 1950s diner photos. Things haven't changed, except now the restaurants are brightly lit and more varied, and the food costs ten times as muc...
  11. Downes

    Bridge Out

    April 25, 2023. This is the Touchette Bridge, a key crossing on my usual bike ride to St. Albert. As can be seen, I won't be using it for a while. Today was another day focused on my newsletter and catching up with paperwork.
  12. Downes


    April 24, 2023. Charlemagne watching me as I go down the stairs. There's a spot in the front hall where I can interact with the cats at eye level. This is now the 'petting zone'. The shadow is created by cardboard barriers we installed to prevent them...
  13. jgieseking

    Take the LBQT*S Dating & Hookup App Survey!


    Want to share about your experiences with dating and/or hookup apps as a lesbian, bisexual, queer, trans*, or sapphic person?


    If you are over 18 years of age, you can take this online survey to share more about how these apps have or haven’t worked for you and how you want them to work.

    The survey will take 20-35 minutes depending on how much you share.

    This research is overseen by Dr. Jack Jen Gieseking and approved by the Mount Holyoke College IRB.…

  14. Downes


    April 23, 2023. Evn if they're not quite blooming yet, it's nice to see trilliums all through the forest floor. We went for an 8.7 km walk along the Mer Bleue trail. It was supposed to rain all day, but it didn't, though trail was pretty muddy in plac...
  15. Downes


    April 22, 2023. This is a train with two engines and two cars in Finch, Ontario. I thought it was going to rain all day, but instead the rain held off until evening and the result was a beautiful day for cycling (if you don't count the 50 kph wind gus...
  16. Downes


    April 21, 2023. This is the PSAC picket line on Montreal Road outside Mona Fortier's office. I was out on the line again today - lunch hour only, because it is illegal for me to picket with them any other time (I'm in a different union). I'm *very* sy...
  17. Downes


    April 20, 2023. A better shot of the goldfinch in our back yard enjoying the feeder. A quiet day, working from home, and recovering from the cold I got working in the office.
  18. Downes


    April 19, 2023. This is a squirrel spotted just off Montreal Road as I was headed for lunch at Bobby's table (some delish smoked meat). The restaurant just happens to be across the road from where striking public service workers were picketing a gover...
  19. Downes

    Green Grass

    April 18, 2023. And just like that, there was green grass. I'd swear it was brown yesterday. I'm always amazed at how suddenly the grass returns. I went to the office to work today, a but tricky since none of my office computers is working properly. O...
  20. Downes


    April 17, 2023. The bottom half of a goldfinch is visible below the rain shield over the feeder. This was a quiet day - also cool and rainy, so I wasn't tempted to go outdoors - a nice break after last week's frenzy. Still it included a long meeting i...
  21. Downes

    Joey Vinegar

    April 16, 2023. This is Joey Vinegar and guests performing at the Ottawa Farmers market. We drove into the city to check out the Tamal fesitval (and eat some delicious tamales from various countries) and on the way checked the market; both events were...

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