1. Yuka Kohno

    Your very own Spubble

    My third ds 106 is Your very own Spubble.I've just heard that visual assignments are easy, so, why don't I try one?This picture was taken in last summer, when my friend did my hair color.. she has started working as a hair stylist from April and s...
  2. Yuka Kohno

    Name that single

    This is my second ds 106 assignment! Name that single!It's really simple one. You just need to guess a song from this picture! I think I chose really easy and simple picture.This song reminds me of the winter 3 years ago. I visited Italy as school exch...
  3. Taichi Koido

    DS106#4-Writing-Tell me a story

    For ds106 assignments, I have done three from Visual Assignments so far...so for now I am change category from visual to writing. I picked assignment of "Tell me a story". It is about take a photo of my important item and explain it. I was thinking to ...
  4. Taichi Koido

    DS106#4-Writing-Tell me a story

    For ds106 assignments, I have done three from Visual Assignments so far...so for now I am change category from visual to writing. I picked assignment of "Tell me a story". It is about take a photo of my important item and explain it. I was thinking to ...
  5. Zachary Jonas

    Better late then never.

    First i must apologize for the lateness of this, however this is the preview of the movie that will be shown soon!! I don't want to say much and cant promise that it will be the best movie ever but the group whom came together to make this mo...
  6. jesse

    Malware And The Ways It Will Effect You

    Malware is something that was coded with a bad intent. So malware can effect you life in many different ways in today's world. Being able to identify and have the correct behavior in this day and age is the best way to combat and avoid malware. Malware...
  7. jesse

    Malware And The Ways It Will Effect You

    Malware is something that was coded with a bad intent. So malware can effect you life in many different ways in today's world. Being able to identify and have the correct behavior in this day and age is the best way to combat and avoid malware. Malware...
  8. Tomomi Sano

    #5 ds106 Consumer Mushup

    My final ds106 assignment is Mushup!!!

    ds106 Mashup Assignment120
    Think of anyplace you spend money, and what you most often buy at that place.
    Then redesign their logo to incorporate your favorite product. Do as many as you want.

    I desided to try this assignment after seeing Mai's work;)
    As she said, I also spend my money at seven eleven because I buy food alsmost everyday. Although I do not go H.I.S. many times, I think H.I.S. is the place where I spend most money to travel!!!!

    Highest International Standards, H.I.S., is travel an agent and inurance company. it is well-known as the company providing airline tickets in reasonable price. When I go abroad, I always buy an air ticket in H.I.S., and I had great time in Bali, Arizona and Bangkok with nice guides. I'd like to participate in H.I.S.'s tour again in near future:)

     More Details about H.I.S.

    This is an original logo of H.I.S....

    by HIS

    I'd like to try to redesign the logo!!

    (1) find a new background


    by http://www.flickr.com/photos/randomcliche/

    (2) edit this picture by using two iPhone's apprications.

    By  RANSOM LETTERS mbsky      &     IMAGE SQUARE  casio

    Here are my new designes!!

    iPhone's apprications are very useful and reasonable!!
    I cannot use photoshop, but it is seemed that it is better for me to use iPhone apprications instead of photoshop ;p I hope consumers would like them ;)

  9. Tomomi Sano

    #5 ds106 Consumer Mushup

    My final ds106 assignment is Mushup!!!ds106 Mashup Assignment120Think of anyplace you spend money, and what you most often buy at that place. Then redesign their logo to incorporate your favorite product. Do as many as you want.I desided to try this as...
  10. Zachary Jonas

    Better late then never.

    First i must apologize for the lateness of this, however this is the preview of the movie that will be shown soon!! I don't want to say much and cant promise that it will be the best movie ever but the group whom came together to make this mo...
  11. Yuka Kohno

    Your very own Spubble

    My third ds 106 is Your very own Spubble.I've just heard that visual assignments are easy, so, why don't I try one?This picture was taken in last summer, when my friend did my hair color.. she has started working as a hair stylist from April and s...
  12. Yuka Kohno

    Name that single

    This is my second ds 106 assignment! Name that single!It's really simple one. You just need to guess a song from this picture! I think I chose really easy and simple picture.This song reminds me of the winter 3 years ago. I visited Italy as school exch...
  13. Tomomi Sano

    #4 ds106 Haiku It Up !!

    As many as starslooked up the winter skygot pain on my neck*****************************************Here is the description ds106 Writing Assignment 104 !!Haiku is one of poem based on the traditional Japanese style. expre...
  14. Tomomi Sano

    #4 ds106 Haiku It Up !!


    As many as stars
    looked up the winter sky
    got pain on my neck


    Here is the description ds106 Writing Assignment 104 !!

    Haiku is one of poem based on the traditional Japanese style.
    • express in three phrases which consist of 5-7-5 sounds.
    • include at least one season word
    • include kireji--cutting word-- makes a space between phrases or works like a comma/period
    • respect the lingering imagery

    For example...

    This is the best-known Japanese haiku written by Basho Matsuo

    古池や                   蛙飛込む                             水の音
      fu-ru-i-ke ya (5)     ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7)     mi-zu no o-to (5)
             old pond . .         a frog leaps in                        water’s sound
    Can you imagine the atmosphere?

    by wikipedia


    In my Haiku, I directly put 'winter' as the season word. It was my first time to write Haiku in English, and I do not know how to separate/count words in each phrase. so I simplly sompose what happened to me last night....I took this picture last night because it was the best condition to watch stars. There were so many beautiful stars in the night.  As you noticed that those small lights in the picture are not real stars. I wish I could take and show you them, so I just took signale and outdoor lamp lights instead. Please pretend stars★〃When I was riding my bicycle from my station for 30 minutes, I looked up sky soooo many times to find Orion and other constellations. After I got at home, I finally got pain on my neck.... ;^(

    I hope you could imagine my situation based on Haiku =)!!

  15. Taichi Koido

    DS106#2-Visual-very own Spubble

    For second ds106 assignment, I choose Visual assignment about your very own Spubble!!OK..here is my Spubble!!I have taken this photo in this summer when I was in California. I and my friends went to the private beach in Malibu and surfing. Actually&nbs...
  16. Taichi Koido

    DS106#2-Visual-very own Spubble

    For second ds106 assignment, I choose Visual assignment about your very own Spubble!!OK..here is my Spubble!!I have taken this photo in this summer when I was in California. I and my friends went to the private beach in Malibu and surfing. Actually&nbs...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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