1. victoriale2

    Rashaad Newsome

    Rashaad Newsome is a video, collage, sculpture, music, computer programming and performance artist. He is best known for his collages placed in intricate/antique frames. He was won awards from 2004 through 2014 for his work. His work can be found in the…
  2. victoriale2

    Matt Siber

    Matt Siber is a gallery artist who mainly focuses in photography, digital art, video, sculpture and installation. Previously, he use to be a freelance commercial photographer but changed his focus. His work is displayed in the Art Institute of Chicago and…
  3. victoriale2

    Nam June Paik

      Nam June Paik’s work has been admired since the early 70s and started in the 60s. He is known as the “father” or “inventor” of video art. He was given the name because he manipulated tvs and videos to create something…
  4. victoriale2

    What is Digital Art?

    Hi Everyone! My name is Victoria and I am a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and a minor in Digital Studies. I’m excited to learn about Photoshop and what exactly digital art is over the course…
  5. Victoria B

    To Long Lost

    Dear E, I had a dream about you last night. I dreamed that we were roommates, which was weird because we are not even friends. We spent the whole dream avoiding each other and refusing to speak. Near the end of the dream, you asked me a question and it was like a barrier between us just shattered. We looked at each other, each shocked to discover the other wasn’t a monster, and.. Read More
  6. Victoria B

    A Tragedy

    This post isn’t really a tragedy, but that’s the mood of the video I created this week. The task (worth 3 stars) was to take a music video and replace the music with a classical piece. To start, I needed to pick a video, and finding one that was appropriate for a class assignment was not particularly easy. Finally, I settled on a relatively new video by The Weeknd for his song titled.. Read More
  7. Victoria B

    Cinematic Effects

    Stanley Kubrick’s collection of shots in one point perspective, and in a more general sense, his shots where the camera is centered on the action are abnormal. According to cinematic theory, you should place the person/thing you want view positively to the left, and negatively to the right, and never in the center. Placing the center of focus in the center of the screen works for Kubrick though. It gives an air of.. Read More
  8. The Life of Skye

    Final Project

    A young girl, named Riley, grew up in New York City. She was accustomed to the tall buildings, constant sound of horns and people’s voices. However, as a teenager her parents passed away in a car accident and Riley was left all alone. She was devastated and lost beyond comprehension just like any individual would … Continue reading Final Project
  9. ruchid


    Our character, the wanderer,  wakes up to the sounds of the wind howling and lightning striking out side the dim-litted and musky lair.  He does not remember his name or identity.  As he gets up attempting to get a grasp and recall everything, he remembers one thing… he needs to escape because he is a … Continue reading Escape..
  10. Victoria B

    Outta This World

    Phew! What a whirlwind. It’s hard to believe this class is already over, feels like it just started yesterday. The amount of things we’ve learned and types of media we’ve “mastered” (I use that word very lightly) is unbelievable. Although I struggled with the amount of work and keeping up, I really enjoyed learning how to make videos and sound files and use different software. For my final project, I wanted to do.. Read More
  11. Victoria B

    Stella Warren

    Stella’s parents would not have named her Stella if they’d know how much time she would spend staring at the sky as a child. They lived on a farm, and there was more than enough work to go around, but Stella was usually off somewhere with her head in the clouds. Often she snuck out after everyone went to sleep at night to watch the stars go by and try to count them.. Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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