1. usman2448

    Listening to Stories Reflection

    For this assignment, i listened to several of the different stories. One of the stories i listened is called “It’s going to change your life” directed and produced by Jonathan Mitchell. The story was about the character name Karen Miller who was promoted to a division chief position, but she...
  2. tsfairbank

    Shark Bait

    Week 3 Daily Create #2 (7/08) Hand and Paper Drawing!: The Daily Create 1277 (7/08) Twitter Tweet Shark Bait This drawing is in honor of shark week. I drew this while watching stories of people being attack by sharks. Can this guy out run a shark in the ocean or does he become shark bait.
  3. ahollyer

    Daily Create #2

    For todays Daily Create, the prompt was to draw on your hand and paper and mesh the two together. Now I am not a very good drawer so I decided on something simple and that happened to be a pizza.
  4. usman2448

    Sound Effects Story

    “Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student): http://ds106.us/wp-content/audio/audio_story.mp3″ For the sound effects assignment, i created...
  5. tsfairbank

    Nick Young Hits the Three… Oh Wait Nevermind

    My Created Assignment #2: Celebrating Too Early (2 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Make a GIF when someone celebrates too early. You can use Make A GIF or any software to help you trim the video that you find into a five second or less GIF. Make sure you embed your GIF into your blog post.” The Story The Laker’s Nick […]
  6. tsfairbank

    Nike LeBron 12s UMW Customized

    Customize a pair of shoes (3 Stars) Description of Assignment: “Everyone likes to have a pair of shoes that are one of a kind. Customize a pair of shoes of your choosing. You can use photoshop or any website to edit shoes. To help me customize my Nike shoes I used NikeID.com but you can use any site you […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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