1. B3Movement

    Poice Beat- Sheriff Jon Brown’s killer brought to justice

    The Assignment I did the Police Beat writing assignment! The details of this assignment are as follows: Essentially, identify an innocent seeming song that advocates some odd/criminal behavior and reformat it as a police report style article. The song I chose was “I Shot the Sheriff” by Bob Marley I always love listening to Mr. […]
  2. B3Movement


    The Medium is the Message This sentence explains my thoughts on today’s internet usage. With the advent of Web 2.0, communication online has drastically changed. Discussions are being held via comments on blogs and similar platforms, internet lingo and meme usage are inserted into conversation to add a new dimension to the post, and even ...
  3. Shinya Michimi


    Well hey guys, I’m having to write this in 10 minutes because I’m currently in Japanese class and we have a 15 minute brake. So I’m not so sure how good this will be… to begin. My favorite line from the reading was But that wasn’t progress. It was a mere ‘digital facelift’ – Clay […]
  4. lei187


    Assignment: Choose the sentence from the first five paragraphs of Gardner Campbell’s Personal Cyberinfrastructure essay that most appeals to you. Briefly describe how and why that sentence appeals to you (one or two paragraphs should suffice – unless you need more). Sentence: “At the turn of the century, higher education looked in the mirror and, ...
  5. Nick Rivers


    “Sometimes, however, progress means looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context” This quote really reminds me of what a friend and I were talking about, about a year ago. We had discussed how much of the ...
  6. YUE


    In essay “A personal Cyberinfrastructure“, I found the last sentence of fourth paragraph seems like most appearing to me. “At the turn of the century, higher education looked in the mirror and, seeing it’s portals, its easy-to-use LMSs, and its ‘digital campuses,’ admired itself as sleek, youthful,attractive. But the mirror lied.” American higher education system […]
  7. B3Movement


    The Medium is the Message This sentence explains my thoughts on today’s internet usage. With the advent of Web 2.0, communication online has drastically changed. Discussions are being held via comments on blogs and similar platforms, internet lingo and meme usage are inserted into conversation to add a new dimension to the post, and even […]
  8. Jeremy Sauer


    At the turn of the century, higher education looked in the mirror and, seeing its portals, its easy-to-use LMSs, and its “digital campuses,” admired itself as sleek, youthful, attractive. But the mirror lied. I like this sentence from Gardner Campbell’s Personal Cyber-infrastructure essay the most because of how it personifies higher education as a vain […]
  9. Shinya Michimi


    Well hey guys, I’m having to write this in 10 minutes because I’m currently in Japanese class and we have a 15 minute brake. So I’m not so sure how good this will be… to begin. My favorite line from the reading was But that wasn’t progress. It was a mere ‘digital facelift’ – Clay […]
  10. lei187


    Assignment: Choose the sentence from the first five paragraphs of Gardner Campbell’s Personal Cyberinfrastructure essay that most appeals to you. Briefly describe how and why that sentence appeals to you (one or two paragraphs should suffice – unless you need more). Sentence: “At the turn of the century, higher education looked in the mirror and, […]
  11. mhacca


    Thoughts about a Quote from Gardner Campbell’s article “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure“.   “Environments are not passive wrappings but active processes…” I particularly like this quote from the fifth paragraph of the article that follows after the statement on technology’s potential … Continue reading 
  12. Nick Rivers


    “Sometimes, however, progress means looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context” This quote really reminds me of what a friend and I were talking about, about a year ago. We had discussed how much of the […]
  13. nana

    20. DFPQ1

      So, what stood out the most for me in the first five paragraphs of the reading was the term creative citizenship, and the sentence it goes with: “...higher education largely failed to empower the strong and effective imagination that students need for creative citizen ship in this new medium.” I’ve never heard this term … Continue reading »
  14. Adam


    Cutting to the chase, let me get right to the selected quote from Gardner’s essay for today’s quiz: “Sometimes, however, progress means looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context.” This line of text was probably […]
  15. tkko12


    After reading Gardner Campbell’s “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure”, I found one sentence very appealing!! In paragraph one, Campbell states, Sometimes, however, progress means looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context. When I read this quote, I ...
  16. Ken Hayashi


    The sentence that really caught my attention in the Gardner Campbell article was when it mentioned about how students would have the convenience of one-stop, single-sign-on activities, from registering for classes to participating in online discussion for seeing grades mere seconds after they were posted. I thought it was an interesting sentence, because it sounded ...
  17. Ken Hayashi


    The sentence that really caught my attention in the Gardner Campbell article was when it mentioned about how students would have the convenience of one-stop, single-sign-on activities, from registering for classes to participating in online discussion for seeing grades mere seconds after they were posted. I thought it was an interesting sentence, because it sounded ...
  18. Midori Shimabuku


    Before blogging about my answer here are the instructions for the Pop Quiz: Choose the sentence from the first five paragraphs of Gardner Camppbell’s Personal Cyberinfrastructure essay that most appeals to you. Briefly describe how and why that sentence appeals to you (one or two paragraphs should suffice-unless you need more)  MY ANSWER I particularly think […]
  19. mhacca


    Thoughts about a Quote from Gardner Campbell’s article “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure“.   “Environments are not passive wrappings but active processes…” I particularly like this quote from the fifth paragraph of the article that follows after the statement on technology’s potential … Continue reading 
  20. nana

    20. DFPQ1

      So, what stood out the most for me in the first five paragraphs of the reading was the term creative citizenship, and the sentence it goes with: “...higher education largely failed to empower the strong and effective imagination that students need for creative citizen ship in this new medium.” I’ve never heard this term … Continue reading »


    The sentence I chose was ” The “progress” that higer education achieved with massive turnkey online systems, especially with the LMA actually moved in the opposite direction.” The best example of this we had in class today was Blackboard online with our school. No one uses it, no one is familier with it and its […]
  22. Midori Shimabuku

    My Own Creation

    This is my second DS106 assignment for this third section I was looking the cartegory of dessign  assignments and I found an assignment that fascinated me and definetely wanted to try it. It is called “Design Your Dream Animal” submitted by Danielle. Create a brand new animal, using animal parts from no less than 4 animals. […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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