1. blindside

    Map Quest

    This was probably one of the most fun, but also exhausting projects I have ever done. From the first day it seemed like our group was destined for hardships. All […]
  2. blindside

    Small Group Communication

    Interestingly enough, I am enrolled in COMM 206: Small Group Communication, this semester. Throughout the development of the current semester we have been studying all of the components essential to […]
  3. paul bond


    @Prisoner106 has proposed a Prisoner themed summer ds106 experience. I’m trying to think of how it might go. There are so many potential angles… The basic story, as I recall, is about a secret agent who resigns, angrily, and is … Continue reading
  4. paul bond


    I think some left-coast reporter has been casting aspersions on my character: #StirrupJack @phb256 Has a commie hoodie. Can’t even trust his briefing on Jack. #noir106 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/4uj4fE9Bvd — Stirrup Trouble (@StirrupTrouble) April 7, 2015 I suspect this is a … Continue reading
  5. paul bond

    Haves vs Wants

    One of our ds106 Noirsters regrets missing last night’s broadcast: Gah, apparently I chose the wrong night to skip on the radio shows. Sorry, creators #ds106radio — Spencer Scott (@spencer_cscott) March 12, 2015 and it was a night not to … Continue reading
  6. paul bond

    Call me Jack

    We had another great ds106radio listen and tweet session last night, this time with The Adventures of Philip Marlowe – Red Wind and a Mystery Playhouse tale of Jack the Ripper. I didn’t really preview either of these before I … Continue reading
  7. paul bond

    Big Mama

    For our third listen-along session this week, we heard the Lux Radio Theater production of Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious. This was a little different from our earlier shows. Except for Moon Grafitti, all the others originated in written literature, although The … Continue reading
  8. paul bond

    Ready set design

    Blade Runner has some fascinating set design. It seems like most science fiction up to that time either presented a clean futuristic utopia or a primitive post-apocalyptic dystopia. In Blade Runner, it’s dirty, chaotic, run-down and overcrowded. The shiny and … Continue reading
  9. paul bond

    Killer’s Moon

    For our final live tweet-along, we had a double feature of The Killers and Moon Grafitti. Some of the participants had read Hemingway’s story, and were caught off guard by how much Siodmak’s version differs. The filmed versions just use … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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