“FOC08″ I’ve had some visits to my blog and having visited back I discovered the visitors are from another level of Web 2.0 – the elevated level where all is aglow with understanding and insight! How wonderful to be lifted up like this and shown a possible future me in the web world – in time, maybe quite sometime that is! Also another thought – how absolutely minimalist my blog must look to my visiting angels!!
I suffered from Blogbleary eyes last week, so took the weekend off to recover. May have been a mistake as it would seem the rest of the group did not suffer from the same ailment and have plunged ahead. Now I’m playing “catch-up” and stopping myself from glaring too hard at the screen in order to save my eyes. I’ve figured I do the glaring thing with the hopes that I will then be better at deciphering what I am reading!! (insert big dumb but angelic smiley face)
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