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Final projects are fun

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I really enjoyed doing this project, not only did I get to use my new camera but I got to use it while doing schoolwork! If you look at all my earlier posts you can see me and rob keep complaining about the weather, and it effected how much longboarding we could do. The result was that our video was more cruising and less tricks (rob still did a ton) because I didnt have enough practice time. Right after we did our last shoot I did a 180 slide… and by then the camera was dead so we couldnt get any film of it. The other struggle we overcame was the best way to use our camera. After our first day of shooting we realized it works a lot better when the camera is stationary and you get much better quality so from then on we made sure to do shots like that. This was an awesome project and I am a true believer that when you do something open ended like this project you get the best results becasue kids do something that they care about, which always brings the best results.

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