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Innovative ways to improve the educational system

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While Gardner Campbell laid out some very interesting ideas for the future use of the digital medium and how it can befully incorporated into the learning experiences students partake in in colleges and universities through everyone creatingtheir own personal, unique “cyberinfrastructure” they use as a main tool for learning, I can’t see this coming to fruitionanytime in the near future, unfortunate as that may be. This huge revamping of the educational system does, however, sound likeit could be a great idea that would benefit many and represent a milestone in the progress of higher education. His main ideasfor how education can be improved and make use of new technologies as shown in his video, narrating, curating, and sharing, and the levels of openness he discusses all seem to tie in very well with the creating of a cyberinfrastructure for everyone andwould obviously make great use of the new digital mediums emerging. All of his new ways of thinking are a lot to take in at oncebut it will be interesting to see if and when these types of changes are implemented. He throws in lots of amusing remarks in hispresentation, uses some great metaphors, and isn’t boring to listen to!

Michael Wesch also spent a lot of time on exploring new ways of learning. Showing early on that while all students likelearning, most don’t like being in class. He offers ideas that seem to parallel Campbell’s thinking on ways of allowing studentsto play a more active role in their own learning experience. His stay in New Guinea generates a number of questions too, likehow the only literate people of the group he stayed with voting to basically keep themselves in power can be seen today with someprofessors not wanting to change the way education is currently structured, and how this might be changed. I think Campbell wouldagree with Wesch’s wanting to move to “digital citizenship” in the long run and having everyone connected through the use of newweb technologies like the ones he had on the background of his presentation. His point on your identity partly being what isreflected back to you from others instead of something inside you was pretty thought-provoking too, along with everything elsehe sought to figure out while staying in New Guinea. Hopefully professors and schools as a whole start to implement some of theways Wesch and Campbell think education could be improved. Also it was funny how Campbell used a powerpoint for his presentationwhile Wesch criticized the use of a powerpoint, although they seemed to fundamentally agree on what the future of educationshould hold.

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