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Gardner Campbell’s Cyberinfrastructure

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Technology is undeniably getting better everyday.  The three recursive practices really stood out to me.  As a coach, I attempted to not put a cap on anyone of my players talents.  I guide them in a direction that not only enforces fundamentals but spawns creativity within the game of lacrosse that can build on itself to make them as good as they can be.  The three recursive practices I feel push the same idea in education. Thinking allowed and putting one’s information out for people to see gives opportunity for people to critique and help illustrate ideas that can cause a chain reaction of a lot of learning.  I think of it as trial in error within ones control.  This leads into curation that brings debate and the ability to question ones idea. To debate any topic forces you to not only understand what you previously learned but pushes you to think outside the box that can develop in higher scholarly topics.  This is one thing the NCAA does in football wherelower end schools play top tear competition in order for to expand what more they must learn and to push there own teams limits.  Sharing all kinds of information helps amplify understanding and pushes the limits.

Cyberinfrastructure feeds off these three principles and once students get through there educational years, they really don’t stop learning and expressing new, better scholarly ideas. Until reading and watching Gardner Campbell I have personally not been a fan of a virtual identity.  But again technology is on the rise and will continue to rise for a long time.  My identity over facebook and twitter will far exceed my physical identity and just by a click of a button from someone across the country all of a sudden come in contact with me, and an identity that is in my total.  I feel the United States is going to under go a shift in “culture” due to cyberinfrastructure that can happen in a very positive manner.

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