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Playing the Games

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Old-School Gaming 2 @dailyshoot #ds669
Old Schol Gaming by griffith_tuj through CC licensing

Someone once said, “you can’t play the game if you don’t know the rules.” I would say, if you aren’t sure of the rules, make ’em up yourself.

This is just a quick reminder about our task for the next few lessons. Last time out, eight groups were formed and google documents were created and shared for members to collaborate on research and planning a presentation on the topic.

The four topic areas are all to be considered in the context of social media / cyberspace. They are:
  1. Artists
  2. Fans
  3. Gossip
  4. Corporations
For each topic there are two groups of between four and six members. People who were absent have been added to a group (see my recent email to everyone – or let me know if you didn’t get the message). Unfortunately, I’ve yet to have a Google document shared with me by one group. I’ve mentioned this on twitter and in the email so please get it done before the lesson tomorrow (9/27).
Speaking of tomorrow, I would like you to sit with your fellow group members. Let’s do it in a very systematic way. Artists in the first row, Fans in the second, and so on. Let’s have the #1 group of each topic sit on the window side of the room and the #2 group for each topic sit on the entrance side. Capiche?
Also please take a moment to review the schedule page. While there you will see that the due date for weekly blog #2 has been extended. We will also extend the time spent on pop culture by one lesson owing to the holiday last Thursday.

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