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Extra Credit Challenge #1

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There’s this teacher Alec Couros in Canada who’s teaching a graduate level course as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on social networking for educators. Though I’ve enrolled in his MOOC, I have been following the #eci831 hastag with interest via the Twitter. I’ve discovered many interesting people saying lots of interesting things.

As mentioned in class last week, Alec did something really cool last week. He used a bit of online software called ifttt to capture all of the tweets using his course hashtag and redirect them to a single Posterous blog.

I’ve been meaning to try to figure out how to construct a similar thing for all of our blog posts but have been too busy to find the time. I’m therefor going to offer it up as an extra challenge. You are welcome to do this individually or in a team.

Here are the elements that I think would be required.

  • An account on ifttt with a new channel set up for this project
  • A new account on Posterous
  • A Google Reader bundle which has the rss subscriptions for everyone’s blog. 
Beyond this, I’m not exactly sure what to do next. But I intend to try to figure out. Hopefully one or several of you will figure it out before me.
The reason I’d like to create such a thing is that it would give us a single page that displays everyone’s blog posts as soon as they are posted. I think this would be of interest to people who discover the awesome work you guys are doing in this class.
Anyhow, let me know if you’re interested in taking the challenge and we can talk about it.

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