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Another Challenge

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Stop the MotionThe final tweet from @dailyshoot read as follows:

Thank you all very much for 690 days of the Daily Shoot. We may be done, but inspiration is everywhere! Keep shooting.

That’s right this project that all of you participated in is now completely finished. Not just for our class but for everyone and forever. Judging by the self-reflective write ups I read from your experience, I know that the experience of doing the daily ship was both challenging and meaningful

In addition to becoming accustomed to participating in an online project on a regular basis, it was hoped that there would be a chance to further develop your creative and photographic skills. Judging by what I saw on your photostreams, I’d say there was much success in that regard.

Now the question emerges, would it be possible to build a Daily Shoot type system from scratch. Is there some way that we could build a service on the web that gives a daily assignment, scans the twitter for tweets with specific hashtags and then displays the work linked to in the tweet with the hashtag? I’ve already seen some people discussing this question /  problem online during the past weekend. And this is where you come in.

I wonder if any of you have the coding skills or know somebody who’s interested in programming who would like to try to build a Daily Shoot type of system. I know I don’t have the skills but I do have the desire to see something replace Daily Shoot. I also believe I can find others on the net who would like to work on such a project. Please think about it and let me know if you’d like to get involved.

Image: Stop the Motion by Cogdog via CC licensing

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