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Hello world!

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Finally, I got this blog up. I t took a long battle drawn out fight with a lot of nameserver pointing but I made it. I guess that’s what I get for going with the slightly cheaper DNR. Although if I hadn’t, I never would have known that UMW has two working, homemade 3D printers. I went in to get some help setting up this site and Jim’s office-mate had them on a table in the room. These things are awesome. I first heard about them a while back when I was watching The Colbert Report. He had a guest on that brought one with him. Basically these things take a string of plastic and layer by layer it builds you a plastic model of whatever you tell it to.

I can’t wait for the Better Homes and Gardens list of helpful tips for household reuse or sixteen-inch acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene phalluses.

I never thought I would see one at school, but sure enough, someone built two of them. It was cool to hear running in the background. It sounded like what I imagine R2D2 sleeping would. My hope is that we’ll get to play with them in class soon. Speaking of class, I also hope we can move into a bigger room soon. I have to get there early or I can’t get a seat.


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