So the process of setting up everything was a bit more of a pain in the butt than I expected. I have a lot of activation emails sitting in my inbox now. I think I am going to be forced to make a whole folder for storing them so they won’t drive me crazy (I like to have an empty inbox). I think that I was just really not as clear as I would’ve liked to been when I first started out. I felt a little like I was taking swings at a pinata while blindfolded. Also I am a curmudgeon and was loathe to spend my money on a domain name but it all worked out in the end because I think mine is SWEET. After figuring out how to point cast iron coding to my domain (or what ever I did, if someone could explain it to me in computer words that would be great) the hardest part was figuring out how to set up wordpress on my cell phone, because I couldn’t access 2800 or whatever that ending number was that we couldn’t access while in class. But in the end it all worked out and I added a snazzy new background.
So here we all are. I am thinking about doing the daily create but then again might wait til tomorrow. It is already pretty late and I would like to get some shut eye.
The only question I have left to ponder tonight is “What am I going to watch on Netflix now that I finished all of the seasons of 30 Rock?”
I will take any suggestions.
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