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In Memory

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Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there’. I don’t know where there is, but I believe its somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful” – Looking for Alaska, John Green

It is amazing how fast time flies.  In the blink of an eye I was a Freshmen and now suddenly I am a Junior.  In the blink of an eye I was turning 19 and now suddenly in a few days I am turning 21.  My life has been filled with many amazing experiences, people, opportunities and great happiness.  However, I have experienced many great sadnesses.

Two years ago today my Grandfather John passed away from Pancreatic Cancer.  Pancreatic Cancer is quickly becoming one of the great killers of our nation.  This is the same cancer that my beloved Patrick Swayze died from around the same time as my grandpa.  This is a fast killing disease- most people only live for about two years after diagnosis- of course that varies for everyone.  Unfortunately for my grandpa, that was not the case.  He was officially diagnosed after Thanksgiving and he died January 26, 2010.  This disease swept away my grandpa sooner than I could cope with the fact that he was sick, let alone the fact that he had a death sentence.


I am not sharing this to gain sympathy.  I am not telling you this to make you feel bad for my family that we are still struggling with a great loss of a great man.  I am sharing this because I want to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer.  Please do your homework on this disease and see the symptoms (which are very easy to miss).  One tip I can give – He was diagnosed with diabetes about a year-ish before he died with no history of diabetes in his family.  That is a sign of Pancreatic Cancer but we did not know that.  So be aware, be healthy, and help fight this terrible monster.

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