So… the process of making this blog… Not that bad, I guess. I bought my domain without a problem but I apparently missed the fact that I also needed to but a host, or whatever. I don’t even know what that is. Those are different things?
Ok, so I had just typed a post about the rest of the process and hit publish, which seems to have failed and only saved the above lines as a draft. Not happy about that
I tried to follow the next few steps in the instructions was since I had accidentally skipped the whole host bit, I was a little lost. Eventually, I realized the mistake but was further delayed because I don’t have credit cards (I had used my mother’s to purchase the domain). It took a few days, but I borrowed a card and got my host. Then I linked the host to the domain or pointed the domain to the host or whatever you call it, set up my wordpress and made myself a blog. I didn’t have any major problems and it doesn’t make for a very interesting story, unfortunately. I played around with the colors and junk but that got very time-consuming, so I just told the thing I like blue and it came up with something for me. That’ll be fine for now, but I rub some of my own funk on it later. The first draft of this (the one that failed to post) was probably better. It was mostly the same. I promise to be way more interesting in the future.
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