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I’m Back!! :)

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It feels like forever since I’ve written a blog post- I did not realize that I would actually miss this.  My blog site was hacked into but now I am back and ready to go.  Someone commented on my blog and asked me for tips for inexperienced blog writers.  First of all, I was very honored that someone asked measly little me for blog writing tips.  This is my first blog experience and I feel unexperienced as it is!  However, I am so glad that people are enjoying my site and I guess I must be doing something right so these are my tips for those of you who want some …

My writing tips:

1. PRACTICE!  I do not think that there is a single day that goes by that I do not write something whether it is a blog post, something in my Writer’s Notebook, something for class, etc.  I write to express myself so I have to say that writing is very important to me.  I want to be great at it so I need to practice.  My teacher was saying that writing is like a sport – you need to practice.  You do not go running one day and expect to be ready to run a marathon – you run a little bit every single day to get up your stamina.  Writing is the same thing, you need to practice a little bit everyday to become great.  Practice helps you find your writing voice, which is probably the most important thing to master.

2. Just do it.  Even when I have nothing to write about, I sit there and try to come up with something.  You can write the worst thing in the world but who cares, it is not like you have to publish it to the world.  Google journal prompts or something of the sort to get your mind jogging.  They have great ideas that really make you think, laugh, feel, etc and that is what you need to start writing.

3. Read.  I am an avid reader and I use what I read to help me write.  It broadens my vocabulary, influences my style and sometimes even inspires me.  There are certain authors that I just love and they absolutely impact my writing style from novelists to poets.

Even though this is not expert tips this is what I do and it has helped me.  You need to practice, set aside time and write, and read as much as you can.  Writing may not come naturally to everyone but it doesn’t mean you should stop.



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