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I am Ed Parkour.

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Okay I am not literally Ed Parkour, I am Samantha.  But, figuratively I hope to embody Ed Parkour when I am given my own classroom.  Who is Ed Parkour you may ask?  Ed Parkour is short for Education Parkour.  Parkour is a French term meaning (according to Merrian-Webster Dictionary): “the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently”.

So what does this have to do with education?  This has everything to do with education!  This whole Ed Parkour thing is to give people a new perspective on obstacles.  Instead of crying over everything wrong that comes your way, get over it.  Use these obstacles to empower you.  Genereux states, “Whatever the new mandate or initiative, these people [educators] know how to roll with it, jump over it or incorporate it into what they do without flinching.”  This is what educators should aspire to be.  No matter what, you cannot plan for everything that comes your way which is why you have to take your days as they come and be flexible enough to deal with it.

I hope that I can be an education traceur when I become a teacher.  I hope to be able to follow in this Ed Parkour theory of teaching because it is the best way to be.  If you have not read this article, check it out!  Ed Parkour

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