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Who or What is Ed Parkour?

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I really enjoyed this post, not really knowing what to expect. I like how he takes this random word parkour meaning: the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently and turns it into a metaphor for learning and embracing the structures around us. When I think of failure, I think of, no one wants to be a failure. I know that i never allow myself to become a failure, but then again, I have made plenty of mistakes or tried things and failed; it is a scary concept because for me, I don’t usually get back up and try again because I am too disappointed. But he makes a valid point that like the parkour you have to keep moving, keep running, keep being active, which is another metaphor for never give up, because there is no such thing as failure, there is only learning, and practice eventually makes perfect. I love how he ties in to this concept the digital world, which has become a huge part of our lives, and just like in the picture of the guy jumping over the object, the digital world is another way to interact with the world in new ways.

Here is the link to the post!


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