As I read through Will Richardson’s “Teachers as master learners” i got struck with a strong sense of pride coming from the school district that i did. I was fortunate enough to go to a school district that i believe has many teachers that are still striving to be learners themselves.
One of my english teachers in high school, and personal friend today, is indeed a master learner. He fully emerges himself in the discourse of whatever he is teaching. He more than not can answer ever question with upmost detail, and those that he cannot he writes down, and the next day goes into the answer knowing much about it. The way he teaches his ‘Shakespeare’ elective class, students see that he is absolutely enfactuated with Shakespeare, is always reading biographies, and even taking trips to Europe to visit the globe theater. I must say, I’ve taken a 400 level college class on Shakespeare, and can sincerely say i learned more from his high school elective class. He really encompasses Richardson’s quote: “We can’t teach kids to learn unless we are learners ourselves”
I once heard another one of my high school teachers tell a student, “Don’t memorize, understand. Sure if you memorize you’ll be good for the test, but if you understand you’ll be good for life.”
I think teachers considering themselves as learners and striving for new knowledge ultimately better equips them to be teaching the youth. They’ll have a vast amount of practical knowledge and a greater capacity of appreciation in the educational process.
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