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Cortland Creeper Status

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Cortland Creeper Status

Creeper Status

So for the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to collaboratively work on a radio show podcast with a few of my classmates, Emily Heyden, Ashley Keough and Nicole Morello. We were able to pick a topic of our choice and create this spectacular radio show. All four of us are from different areas and are extremely intrigued about the stereotypes that fly around campus regarding upstaters and long islanders. What better way to understand these stereotypes than to listen in on the gossip flying about on campus. We did just this!!

Some topics that we mainly wanted to focus on were clothing styles, music, gossip and college based conversations. We thought it would be fun to set the radio show up with two hosts, which in this case were Emily and Nicole. They were to discuss the issues presented and then they would take callers, such as me and Ashley. While the two hosts recorded their clips and questions, Ashley and I took the opportunity to create commercials addressed to a college student audience. We tried thinking of what was local that we could advertise and without hesitation we came up with the topics of tanning and pizza, which are located on Main Street in Cortland.

After we recorded all of our separate pieces, we began to piece this podcast together. Unfortunately this is where we ran into some complications. Never using garageband before, this experience was all about taking chances and experimenting with the program.

I never really thought about this until after the process was over, but creating this podcast, in a way, is like writing an essay in an English classroom. As we discussed in class, this would be such a great way to incorporate technology in the classroom and make simple assignments take a multimodal turn for the best. Think about it for a second. The conventions of a podcast are almost exact to writing a paper. They both include introductions, supporting details, conclusions, transitions, editing and revising, focusing on an audience, purpose, etc. I found this to be a great experience and I would definitely consider doing something like this in my future classroom!!

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