Recently I, along with many of my fellow classmates, participated in an online twitter chat. The theme of the chat was education, and it was really just a gathering place where anyone on twitter who was interested in education could say something or read what others had to say.
I actually had a very enjoyable first experience with #edchat. I read a lot of information on links that people put in their tweets, and have most of the info saved on my mac. It was really a great learning experience as well as a social one.
I spoke directly to a couple of people, all of which were very friendly and encouraging, which just shows the community of people involved in education. I even had a joke going with these 2 guys who we tweeted each other back a few times which was cool.
Overall i really enjoyed it, i even checked it out today on my personal twitter account. It’s definitely something I’m going to be participating in again and constantly checking out.
Here’s the link to all the posts
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