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The Cinderella Story

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I find Kurt Vonnegut explanation of how people have such a need for drama in their life to be completely true. How people love to make up these stories, pass it on for generations and continue to believe them. The problem is, people think life is supposed to be like these stories.

He drew an empty grid on the board, like this:

empty grid

Time moves from left to right. Happiness from bottom to top.

He said, “Let’s look at a very common story arc. The story of Cinderella.”

Cinderella story

It starts with her awful life with evil stepsisters, scrubbing the fireplace. Then she get an invitation to the ball! Things look up. Then the fairy godmother makes her a dress and a coach. Even better! Then she goes to the ball, and dances with the prince! This is great! But then it’s midnight. She has to go. Oh no. Sadness. Back to her humdrum life scrubbing the fireplace. But it’s not as bad as before, because she’s had this encouraging experience. Then, the prince finds her, and the happiness factor is off the chart! Happily ever after.

People LOVE that story! This story arc has been written a thousand times in a thousand tales. And because of it, people think their lives are supposed to be like this.

is it that life is so unbearable that we tell ourselves lies just so we can continue living? or are people so caught up in a false reality they are missing out on the “real” thing.

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