Today I decided to make leather pouches at the crafts table. Yet, I came across this piece of leather with a huge brand in the center. I was very deeply affected. This scar is still left years after everything else is gone. I understand back in the Wild West when cattle was free range and cowboys still existed, branding was used as a way to catalog and keep track of livestock. Back when people thought that animals don’t feel pain. But this is the 21st century, we have the technology. We microchip cats and dogs. We have the internet, satellites, radar, and instant information. Surely, we could find a better and more humane way to keep track of our livestock. Frankly, most cattle isn’t even free range anymore so there really isn’t a need to permanently mark an animal just so you don’t lose it. People worry about growth hormones and what goes into an animal before we decide to eat it. The whole point behind the organic movement. Yet, only certain groups of people worry about the emotional well being and life of the animal, instead of making tasty and healthy to eat. And there are still people in this world that think that animal don’t feel pain. That animals are some how inferior to humans. I just can’t see it. I have a dog and a cat that mean the world to me. Lucas, the dog, wants to make sure that I am safe at all times and Max, the cat, makes sure that I am happy. Always ready to comfort me when I have had a bad day. Animals give unconditional love and forgive easily. Appearances and disabilities mean nothing to them. How can something so compassionate be inferior?
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