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Reflections on DS106

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DS106 was a great class. It introduced me to several new ways in which stories can be told and how using certain techniques will change the results in dramatic ways. The combination of various mediums allows for great flexibility in delivering your message whether it be video, audio or through images.

Throughout this semester I’ve been introduced to new ways to deliver a message. With the development of my blog I created an outlet which was then linked to twitter for a greater broadcast. The connection of my flickr to the blog allowed for my photos to be shared over a greater spread of possible viewers.  All of this will help me in putting projects together in the future since I know how to combine various forms of media to get the story to the intended audience.

I felt my best project was the illustrate 106 where I modified a photograph I had taken where a train had 106 in its number. The one thing that could have been improved would have been to adjust the contrast a bit more because it came out a little darker than I wanted. However I couldn’t exactly get it to where I wanted it so it was left as is. The colorizing of the MEGA grafiti would have also made a big impact on the image.

If there is one thing to tell future DS106 students it would be to not wait to start on projects.  The more time you can give to it the more creative you can and will be.  It will result in much better results and you will be much happier to share these results with your classmates and others in the DS106 community.

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