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   Internet- just this single word means a lot to the people around the world nowadays.

Internet now can be found almost everywhere-from of course the companies, universities, libraries and other facilities to even cafes where people while sipping their coffee can check their emails, upload blogs, statuses on social network communities, download music and even watch television, videos and movies. 

The search engine Google can answer any questions in a minute.
By Skype people can communicate with each other even if they are miles away from each other.  

Indeed, Internet was one of the greatest innovations of the world and it made our lives much easier and comfortable. 

Internet became available with the Personal Computer innovation. The first Personal Computer was created by IBM called IBM 610 Auto Point Computer in 1957 and it is considered as a FIRST Personal Computer because it was intended to be used by one person and was controlled by a keyboard. However, the appearance of the first personal computer was way different to the computers we are used to see nowadays. IBM then made a several more computers until it came up with a world-conquering PC in 1981. So, IBM gave birth to the computer only 30 years ago. But as the technology does not stop we now have not only Personal Computer to ourselves but also the INTERNET and its functions are uncountable. 

Back in the days people were writing letters and checking their mail boxes waiting for reply. Now it’s enough to just click on your email box and you might have an email reply in a few hours or even minutes. 

Indeed, there is no limit for technological progress. 

It is yet not fair to say that hand-written letters are history, but it is the unarguable truth that the majority of people who have a computer and a connection to the Internet frequently use emails. 
                  Faster, Easier, Convenient.                       

 For the development of E-mail we have to thank Ray Tomlinson, who first invented it in 1971

 The copyright of a well-known symbol “@” also belongs to him.
The very first “real” email was sent in 1971 although the  exact words are now forgotten. It already contained the the “@” character and the explanation how to use it. 

 It is interesting that the “@” symbol was used witha little modification in the Middle Ages; then by Spanish merchants as an abbreviation and a measurement for bulls and wine; during the Renaissance period as a “cost” for an e-mail address; during the Industrial Revolution-in bookkeeping, and that was primarily the reason why the inventors could find it on their keyboards. 

As we can see, so familiar @ has a  surprisingly long history and did not come out just as an imaginary accident. In 2004, a special code for the “@” character was even invented in the Morse code. 

The privileges of computer and Internet cannot be exaggerated. What I mentioned above are just a few examples of the convenience of Internet. 

…Those years, when I was a 13 year old kid 10 years ago, did not have Internet at home and the days I could send emails to my friends far away, sitting in front of a huge blurry monitor are gone. 


Now the laptops are about 1cm thin, the screen is bright and the Internet speed is awesome. 

Technology progress goes fast and it is even hard to predict what new special features are waiting for us in the near future!

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