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Thinking about personal cyberinfrastructure is a big concept. As I see it, my personal cyberinfrastructure (which I will call pci from now on out because I dislike spelling infrastructure) is kind of like my internal dialog. I cultivate my mind with my interests, associations and environments and that affects my tastes and how I see the world. The environment works to ameliorate my personality as I work to develop it. I see my pci the same way. It is built with data structures, code and various hardware just as my brain is built of neurons, connections and grey matter but the gist of both is something hard to imagine. A presence that is probably more you than you realize (if not because you reveal your personality in words then definitely in the information google keeps on you.)  When I blog, I blog about what I am doing in my life. When I reblog on Tumblr it is something I find interesting or funny. When I tweet (which I don’t often do) it is generally something I thought and then found infinitely amusing and just had to share with my 15 followers. If a creeper were to stalk me they would likely know more about me than I really care to know. (Thankfully I do utilize SOME privacy settings.)

My point is this: pci isn’t something tactile. Not something you can see or touch. It is a virtual representation of yourself.

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