After an extensive discussion along with various references and articles, I am now currently awake of what information fluency is. Digital Information Fluency is a way to find information in an effective way. Once you understand these components, the title now makes sense. In class, I was fortunate enough to work with Chelsea Backus and Victoria Heney where we discussed our new found knowledge of Information Fluency. According to this slide show the main components of information fluency are question, search, strategy, evaluation and ethic beliefs. In our future classrooms, students will be assigned questions which they will have to research further. The first part of any assignment should be for the student to understand the information they are looking for. In my previous observation site at OCM Boces in Liverpool, the class actually made a chart on the board stating what they wanted to know, what they already knew and what they were going to find out. If a student can break down a question, they are able to look into the question from various lenses. The search part of this process made me actually reflect on writing my own research papers. I know when I need to look for sources and scholarly articles; I sometimes struggle with what I should put in the search bar. This is something that we can guide our students through. We need to show them how they can broaden and narrow their search in order to access the information they are looking for. I also find the ethic use of this slideshow to be important to because that works hand in hand with a works cited page. As I do in the beginning of the article, it is important for students to cite where they receive their information from, and give credit where credit is deserved.
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