1. dkernohan


    Ever since I went back to working with Wonderbrass and rediscovered their love of unlikely pop covers, I’ve had this perfect, beautiful song stuck in my head. The chords are amazing, but the original Spice Girls version just goes too fast to properly experience them. (Craig Armstrong’s string arrangement still rules, however)   (set your […]
  2. timmmmyboy

    The Walking TED

    I've got a little "zombie fever" with season 2 of The Walking Dead having started up last fall. If you haven't watched that show you're really missing out on some excellent quality programming for a channel that's available to most cable packages. I de...
  3. mc_shaun


    I know why people love, and I think I know why people hate. But I can’t figure out why people love to hate.  I’ve heard of a man claiming to be God, and I’ve heard it said that God became a man, but I’ve never heard of a man even claiming to understand women.  When […]
  4. mc_shaun

    Christmas Morning Poem

    Merry Christmas to the one and only, who came to this place that was dark and lonely, though those who accept you are few,for them you make everything new There are no words to describe,how much love you brought to my life,let us forever be together,and leave this world full of strife.  This world made you shed […]
  5. Mikhail Gershovich


    Above is my first take on Alan Levine’s great “Make The Untranslatable Understood” DS106 assignment: Use the Random Words with No English Translation tool (http://lab.cogdogblog.com/nowords/) to generate a word that could be better understood with a photo or image. Find a creative commons image or make your own, and include the word somehow in the image ...
  6. Mikhail Gershovich

    DIY Digital Microscopy

    A few years ago, a friend gave Jonah what I think is the coolest toy ever: an Eyeclops Bionic Eye, which is a hand-held multi-zoom LED-lit microscope that plugs into any TV that has a composite video jack (the yellow one.) (Here’s a video demo of the model that we have.) I’ve always wanted to ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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