1. teresa

    Fairy-tale Science Review: ‘What’s the Matter with the Three Little Pigs’


    Fairy-tale science?  Who would have thought the two could go together?  But incredibly they do like peanut butter and chocolate.  And they deliver science curriculum concepts in a unique fun way.  Fairy-tale science makes science fun to learn for primary aged kids!

    The post Fairy-tale Science Review: ‘What’s the Matter with the Three Little Pigs’ appeared first on Science Alcove.

  2. teresa

    Fairy-tale Science Review: ‘What’s the Matter with the Three Little Pigs’


    Fairy-tale science?  Who would have thought the two could go together?  But incredibly they do like peanut butter and chocolate.  And they deliver science curriculum concepts in a unique fun way.  Fairy-tale science makes science fun to learn for primary aged kids!

    The post Fairy-tale Science Review: ‘What’s the Matter with the Three Little Pigs’ appeared first on Science Alcove.

  3. amiddlet50

    Kitchen and studio-based learning

    The Great British Menu is back on UK television at the moment. I am not a fan of cooking programmes – though others are in my household – so, it’s on and inevitably I get caught up in it. Assessment … Continue reading
  4. @corneliakh

    En storm som uler

    Det er en storm som uler, og den drar i klær og hår og sinn. En mosegrodd benk løftes opp og kastes overende, trampolinene fyker og allerede høstslitte blad virvler hjelpeløse i luften. Jeg har gitt opp. Jeg står med håret i munnen, foran øynene og opp i et tre. Klærne blåser opp og av,…
  5. @llilli5163

    New in the WordPress.com Business Plan: Jetpack Search

    The WordPress.com Business plan combines fully managed hosting with the freedom to grow and scale your site without limits. Today we’re adding Jetpack Search to WordPress.com Business so you can enjoy powerful and fast on-site search functionality as part of your plan.   Once you activate Jetpack Search, you’ll be …
  6. teresa

    How to Determine Tree Age and Really Why it Matters


    To determine tree age you can use a few methods.  One is simple enough to do as a science activity with kids.  Tree aging can provide a wealth of information.  Examining tree rings can not only age a tree but also provide a lot of interesting historical and climate information.

    The post How to Determine Tree Age and Really Why it Matters appeared first on Science Alcove.

  7. teresa

    How to Determine Tree Age and Really Why it Matters


    To determine tree age you can use a few methods.  One is simple enough to do as a science activity with kids.  Tree aging can provide a wealth of information.  Examining tree rings can not only age a tree but also provide a lot of interesting historical and climate information.

    The post How to Determine Tree Age and Really Why it Matters appeared first on Science Alcove.

  8. @corneliakh

    Vakker klinkekule

    Alt skal hun fikse selv. Hun er sterk, og styrke skal lyse ut fra alle handlingene hun gjør, alle valgene hun tar og alle ordene hun sier. Hun feiler. Styrken er omgjort til en svart kampestein hun strever med å holde oppe. Hun skylder på seg selv. Bare hun klarer å holde steinen over hodet,…
  9. ayu7kaji

    I’d forgotten.

    I had forgotten that I couldn’t live without music. Without the beats filling the walls, my ears as I slept, as I woke. I forgot that I loved lyrics. That I felt each word like a shot to my heart. I forgot that I thought in poetry. That I used to think. No longer. I […]
  10. natalie

    Sonnet 65: Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea

    BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea But sad mortality o’er-sways their power, How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, Whose action is no stronger than a flower? O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days, When rocks impregnable are not so […]
  11. @corneliakh

    En stille dag

    En helt stille dag. En stille dag der verden føles akkurat slik hun har sett for seg en verden skal føles. En dag som kjølig silke, som lett dras over varm bar hud. En herlig stillhet, kun brutt av herlig regn og torden✨ Reklamer
  12. @jbkbean


    In my journey to become a better blogger/social media wizard, I’m taking an online course called DS106.  All DS106 posts will be in this category.
  13. @corneliakh

    Knallrød leppestift

    De sier at hun ikke har noe interessant å komme med. De sier at hun burde holde seg i bakgrunnen. De forteller henne at dess lengre borte hun klarer å holde folk, dess bedre kommer de til å like henne. De skriker at hun må passe på vinkelen hun holder hodet, hvor hun gjør av…
  14. @liveyourmovie1


    Interacting and communicating with your family and friends has been a concern for humans for many years. One of the main methods of communicating from long distances has been by hand or animals. Being social animals ourselves as humans have always relied on communicating to have better relationships. In the 1980s computers and social media … Continue reading HOW IS THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA CONTRIBUTING TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE FABRIC OF EVERYDAY LIFE?

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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