1. ayu7kaji

    Welcome to The Office.

    If you do any of these things, trust me I understand your pain. Truly. When you have to come early and stay late at office not because you have work but because you’re expected to. When it’s perfectly acceptable for people to have an in-person meeting during the weekend for status updates. When your Whatsapp […]
  2. @MatthewJLetts

    Is there anything else more to life then to be really, really, really RIDICULOUSLY good looking??

    To start off with, me and Brandon had a quick meeting in the greenscreen room, to discuss where we will be taking our project and how were going to be linking it together instead of having random videos everywhere. We finally agreed on going down the TV/Advert route, as before we experimented with shows and … Continue reading Is there anything else more to life then to be really, really, really RIDICULOUSLY good looking??
  3. B. Short

    600 Years Ago There Were No Surnames

    This is a post in an ongoing series exploring one family’s adventure through genealogical storytelling. The article below was written by Bri-Bri, and features lists and statements of gratitude.      The plan at the beginning of this year was to post an article by my dad and an article by myself every week this year. That should put us at about 24 or so if we had kept up with it, but we’re only up to about 10. But I’m still really excited!   I’m really happy doing this project. I’ve been re-reading some of the earlier posts in the series—in addition to being a contributor to this site, I also manage a lot of its web content, and I’ve been working...
  4. Fred Haas - @akh003

    Education Evolutions #58

    The future of books flickr photo by Johan Larsson shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Select Readings and Thoughts on Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age So after last week’s dark journey into data vulnerabilities and weaponization of the digital landscape, I felt compelled to find something that was a bit brighter. It […] Continue reading
  5. ayu7kaji


    What is that one moment that you carry with you forever? That one moment which is always your go-to instant when everything was gilded in gold and time seemed still. For me there were thousands. Thousands of memories where my belly fluttered and my head swam. Maybe from excitement, maybe from awe. I have gaped […]
  6. tanyalau

    Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 2 (how)

    This is the second part of a post on using customer journey mapping as an analysis and problem identification tool to help pinpoint the range of organisational factors that impact an employee experience – and by doing so, enable us to design more precisely targeted interventions to improve it. Part 1 provided an overview of … Continue reading Using employee experience journey mapping to identify and target learning and performance issues – part 2 (how)
  7. @RiannaL05

    This is how we do it

    To get started on the project we took ourselves out to famous landmarks and not so famous places in Leicester and started taking the photos we needed. For our project we took inspiration from last years ‘Leicester Lego Man’  This day we took the photos and also decided to make a little vlog which shows... Continue Reading →
  8. ayu7kaji

    Don’t listen to them

    They’ll be the ones who make an effort to come and talk to you, not because they care, they pretend to. Because they want to hear some news from you. They talk in such a nice and unassuming manner, you’ll be fooled into thinking they’re good. They talk so softly, so sweetly you’d almost miss […]
  9. teresa

    Tracking Your Micro credentials – Courses and Workshops beyond your Degree or Diploma


    Tracking your micro credentials is vital in today's competitive job market. Resumes and cover letters need those keywords to get you noticed. There are dozens of on-line learning opportunities - both free and paid. I urge you to explore what's out there and start keeping track of those micro credentials.

    The post Tracking Your Micro credentials – Courses and Workshops beyond your Degree or Diploma appeared first on Science Alcove.

  10. nayan1204

    India, a nation.


    What makes a nation? Or more specifically what makes India a nation? What is that one thing that binds us, the people, together? Is it a common tongue like French which united the people of France, or is it a set of ideals and values that are prevalent among the United States of America? 

    When French became the national language of France, the country lost its rich linguistic diversity as countless other languages faded into oblivion. Is this what we want? Sacrificing our cultural identity for a national identity? With values and ideals closely linked with religion and culture, is it even possible to have a single set in a country as diverse as our? What do we do when some worship an animal, the others love to eat, or when some condemn what others depend on? 

    So, since it’s clearly not a language or a set of values that binds the people of India together, then what is it? What could a people constituting the descendants of the subjects of the Mauryans, the Guptas, the Palas, the Pandyas, and the Mughals have in common? That’s right. Their colonial past. This country united under the East India Company and its people are defined by the liberation from it. That is what gave us a national identity. We are the people who resisted the British. 

    Maybe the memory fades because the Crown left the country in the hands of the INC instead of being driven away by people like Bose and Singh. But it is high time that we remember. Either remember our colonial past or find something else that defines this culturally diverse nation of ours, because it sure as hell isn’t Hindi, Hindu or Hindutva. 

  11. amiddlet50

    Missed opportunities – where are the alternatives to Storify?

    Storify.com is shutting up shop and this has been troubling me since the news was announced several months ago. The main problem, as I see it, is that Storify is a one-of-a-kind service. For educational users, it signalled the potential … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

(9 posts)

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