1. @Jessica_herb


    So, I’ve gotten to the end of unit one and I’m excited to get into the next part of the course. I was told to write a short definition of what I think social media production might be. Personally I think its just about creating things are putting them out there for other people to see … Continue reading Foundations
  2. philimagne

    Candy Apples

    My all-time favorite treat! My father, my brother Ray, and I used to bike down Ocean Parkway to Coney Island and get Jelly Apples (That’s what we called the red ones. The term candy Apple was usually reserved for the ones covered in caramel, or nuts) on the promenade.  Neither Raymond, nor I, could penetrate […]
  3. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 5: A Harlot’s Progress and A Rake’s Progress

    The Splash Page Two series of paintings by British painter William Hogarth done in the 1730s are exemplary of the ways that sequential visual storytelling would eventually function in comics and graphic novels in the 20th century (and beyond!!!). Past the Page Turn So the 18th century seems like it was very much. There’s the religious […]
  4. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 4: The Bayeux Tapestry

    The Splash Page A 230-foot-long (over that, really) wool-on-linen artifact commemorating the 11th-century Battle of Hastings brings our tour of proto-comics into the second millennium. Past the Page Turn When Edward the Confessor died in 1066, the English crown was claimed by his brother, Harold Godwinson, the most powerful of the English lords at the […]
  5. B. Short

    Prehistory of Comics Part 3: Trajan’s Column

    The Splash Page One of the major monuments to survive the fall of the Roman empire, Trajan’s Column commemorates two wars fought by Emperor Trajan and the Roman armies against the Dacians in what is modern-day Romania. The column features a massive, single frieze including scenes of construction, diplomacy, warfare, and enslavement. Past the Page […]
  6. @RiannaL05

    What even is sleep?

    So recently I haven’t been able to sleep. Its driving me crazy because my body decides it wants sleep when I’m due to get up and get ready for the day. Ive been to bed early and I just don’t sleep. I find myself getting up to eat out of boredom which isn’t good because […]
  7. @jamesrxss

    Total Darkness

    For today’s theme, I’m going minimalist. What exactly is minimalism? And – Why am I going minimalistic? Well, strictly, I’m meant to do ‘extreme minimalism’, however, that would mean a blank blog post, and that wouldn’t be very exciting for you to read now, would it? However, I think that this picture that I took […]
  8. @jamesrxss

    Slow & Steady Wins The Race

    When delving into the realms of unusual pets, a Tortoise has to be up there as one of them, I would say. Despite this, I am close, personal friends with two tortoises; once owned by my Grandparents, and another owned by some family friends. My Grandparents’ is called Tilly (it used to be called Tommy […]
  9. @curtisaleigh

    WWW Wednesday: Week 3

    Currently Reading: Today, after finishing a children’s novel I’d been reading for several days, I began reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I have not made much progress yet but am excited to get into this book!         Finished Reading: This past week I did what seemed like a ton of reading!... Continue Reading →
  10. @dandennis_media

    Unit 1 Summary

    Unit 1 Summary In the definition for Social Media Production it explains that the media created and online tools are used for varying degrees of collective action. This basically means that media is made with the intend use for it to spread to different platforms and appeal to the masses. #ds106 https://t.co/WuogwZ2q2q This is my […]
  11. @dandennis_media

    TDC 2107 “Extreme Minimalism”

    TDC 2107 “Extreme Minimalism” Today’s Daily Create was Extreme Minimalism. I personal feel that this photo taken by myself is very minimalist as the focus area is very small. About 20% of the entire photo is in focus leaving much of the flower out of the shot. Like most minimalist photos it also uses one […]
  12. @dandennis_media

    TDC 2108 “Vaguebooking”

    "I can't believe you've done this again…" #ds106 #tdc2108 — Daniel Dennis Media (@dandennis_media) October 18, 2017 TDC 2108 “Vaguebooking” This daily create we needed to do what is known as “Vaguebooking” Vaguebooking is where a user of social media posts a status that is vague offering little to no context to the reader. This […]
  13. codydaigleorians

    Don’t Build Audience – Build Community.

    In arts programming, we don’t build audience. We build community.  Thinking about audience makes our programming transactional. It’s a one-off proposition: We make a thing. People come. We count the numbers. We’re done. Thinking about community makes our programming about relationships. It’s an ongoing proposition: We make a space. People come. We share experience. And we grow that relationship. Programming … Continue reading Don’t Build Audience – Build Community.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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